# Arbor

Ecto nested-set and tree traversal using CTEs. Arbor uses a `parent_id` field
and CTEs to create simple deep nested SQL hierarchies.

This is currently a WIP. Only children/1 and descendants/1 are currently implemented.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `arbor` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:arbor, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `arbor` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:arbor]]

## Usage

defmodule Comment do
  use Ecto.Schema
  # See config options below
  use Arbor.Tree, foreign_key_type: :binary_id

  schema "comments" do
    field :body, :string
    belongs_to :parent, Arbor.Comment


### Descendants

Returns the entire descendant tree of a record.


### Children

Returns the immediate children of a record.


## Options

* *table_name* - set the table name to use in [CTEs](
* *tree_name* - set the name of the CTE
* *primary_key* - defaults to field from Ecto's `@primary_key`
* *primary_key_type* - defaults to type from Ecto's `@primary_key`
* *foreign_key* - defauts to `:parent_id`
* *foreign_key_type* - defaults to type from Ecto's `@primary_key`
* *orphan_strategy* - defaults to `:nothing` currently unimplemented

## Contributing

You'll need PostgreSQL installed and a user that can create and drop databases.

You can specify it with the environment variable `ARBOR_DB_USER`.

The `mix test` task will drop and create the database for each run.

mix test


* Common tree operations
  * [x] descendants
  * [x] children
  * [ ] root
  * [ ] leafs
  * [ ] parent
  * [ ] siblings
  * [ ] ancestors
  * [ ] path (ancestors + target)
  * [ ] subtree (target + children)
  * [ ] delete (nilify, destroy, adopt)
  * [ ] move
  * [ ] branches (?)  
* [ ] Docs...?
* [ ] depth selector, include depth or array size in CTE?
* [ ] arbor.gen.migration SCHEMA_NAME FK_FIELD FK_TYPE
* [ ] Move each query/operation into its own module to make Arbor.Tree less busy.
* [ ] ID finders (?): root_ids, child_ids(target), etc...
* [ ] Boolean functions: is_root?, has_children?, etc...
* [ ] Support for multiple trees? The tree name could be prefixed on tree methods...
      use Arbor, my_tree: opts, my_other_tree: more_opts