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Arc is a flexible file upload library for Elixir with straightforward integrations for Amazon S3 and ImageMagick.
Browse the readme below, or jump to [a full example](#full-example).
## Installation
Add the latest stable release to your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps do
arc: "~> 0.4.1",
ex_aws: "~> 0.4.10", # Required if using Amazon S3
httpoison: "~> 0.7" # Required if using Amazon S3
poison: "~> 1.2" # Required if using Amazon S3
If you plan on using Amazon's S3 Storage, you must also add `ex_aws` and `httpoison` the following applications as startup dependencies your application's `mix.exs` file:
def application do
mod: { MyApp, [] },
applications: [
Then run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the dependencies.
### Usage with Ecto
Arc comes with a companion package for use with Ecto. If you intend to use Arc with Ecto, it is highly recommended you also add the [`arc_ecto`]( dependency. Benefits include:
* Changeset integration
* Versioned urls for cache busting (`.../thumb.png?v=63601457477`)
# Getting Started: Defining your Upload
Arc requires a **definition module** which contains the relevant configuration to store and retrieve your files.
This definition module contains relevant functions to determine:
* Optional transformations of the uploaded file
* Where to put your files (the storage directory)
* What to name your files
* How to secure your files (private? Or publically accessible?)
* Default placeholders
To start off, generate an attachment definition:
mix arc.g avatar
This should give you a basic file in:
Check this file for descriptions of configurable options.
## Basics
There are two supported use-cases of Arc currently:
1. As a general file store, or
2. As an attachment to another model (the attached model is referred to as a `scope`)
The upload definition file responds to `` which accepts either:
* A path to a file
* A map with a filename and path keys (eg, a `%Plug.Upload{}`)
* A two-tuple consisting of one of the above file formats as well as a scope object.
Example usage as general file store:
# Store any accessible file path"/path/to/my/file.png") #=> {:ok, "file.png"}
# Store a file directly from a `%Plug.Upload{}`{filename: "file.png", path: "/a/b/c"}) #=> {:ok, "file.png"}
Example usage as a file attached to a `scope`:
scope = Repo.get(User, 1){%Plug.Upload{}, scope}) #=> {:ok, "file.png"}
This scope will be available throughout the definition module to be used as an input to the storage parameters (eg, store files in `/uploads/#{}`).
## Image Transformations
As images are one of the most commonly uploaded filetypes, Arc has a convenient integration with ImageMagick's `convert` tool for manipulation of images. Each upload definition may specify as many versions as desired, along with the corresponding transformation for each version.
To transform an image, the definition module must define a `transform/2` function which accepts a version atom and a tuple consisting of the uploaded file and corresponding scope.
The expected return value of a `transform` function call must either be `{:noaction}`, in which case the original file will be stored as-is, or `{:convert, transformation}` in which the original file will be processed via ImageMagick's `convert` tool with the corresponding transformation parameters.
defmodule Avatar do
use Arc.Definition
@versions [:original, :thumb]
def transform(:thumb, _) do
{:convert, "-strip -thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 -format png"}
The example above stores the original file, as well as a squared 100x100 thumbnail version which is stripped of comments (eg, GPS coordinates).
For more information on defining your transformation, please consult [ImageMagick's convert documentation](
> **Note**: Keep this transformation function simple and deterministic based on the version, file name, and scope object. The `transform` function is subsequently called during URL generation, and the transformation is scanned for the output file format. As such, if you conditionally format the image as a `png` or `jpg` depending on the time of day, you will be displeased with the result of Arc's URL generation.
> **System Resources**: If you are accepting arbitrary uploads on a public site, it may be prudent to add system resource limits to prevent overloading your system resources from malicious or nefarious files. Since all processing is done directly in ImageMagick, you may pass in system resource restrictions through the [-limit]( flag. One such example might be: `-limit area 10MB -limit disk 100MB`.
### Asynchronous File Uploading
If you specify multiple versions in your definition module, each version is processed and stored concurrently as independent Tasks. To prevent an overconsumption of system resources, each Task is given a specified timeout to wait, after which the process will fail. By default this is `15 seconds`.
If you wish to change the time allocated to version transformation and storage, you may add a configuration parameter:
config :arc,
:version_timeout, 15_000 # milliseconds
## Storage of files
Arc currently supports Amazon S3 and local destinations for file uploads.
### Local Configuration
defmodule Avatar do
use Arc.Definition
@versions [:original, :thumb]
def transform(:thumb, _) do
{:convert, "-strip -thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 -format png"}
def __storage, do: Arc.Storage.Local
def filename(version, {file, scope}), do: "#{version}-#{file.file_name}"
### S3 Configuration
[ExAws]( is used to support Amazon S3.
To store your attachments in Amazon S3, you'll need to provide a bucket destination in your application config:
config :arc,
bucket: "uploads"
In addition, ExAws must be configured with the appropriate Amazon S3 credentials.
ExAws has by default the following configuration (which you may override if you wish):
config :ex_aws,
access_key_id: [{:system, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"}, :instance_role],
secret_access_key: [{:system, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}, :instance_role]
This means it will first look for the AWS standard AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, and fall back using instance meta-data if those don't exist. You should set those environment variables to your credentials, or configure an instance that this library runs on to have an iam role.
### Storage Directory
Arc requires the specification of a storage directory path (not including the bucket name).
The storage directory defaults to "uploads", but is recommended to configure based on your intended usage. A common pattern for user profile pictures is to store each user's uploaded images in a separate subdirectory based on their primary key:
def storage_dir(version, {file, scope}) do
> **Note**: If you are "attaching" a file to a record on creation (eg, while inserting the record at the same time), then you cannot use the model's `id` as a path component. You must either (1) use a different storage path format, such as UUIDs, or (2) attach and update the model after an id has been given.
### Access Control Permissions
Arc defaults all uploads to `private`. In cases where it is desired to have your uploads public, you may set the ACL at the module level (which applies to all versions):
@acl :public_read
Or you may have more granular control over each version. As an example, you may wish to explicitly only make public a thumbnail version of the file:
def acl(:thumb, _), do: :public_read
Supported access control lists for Amazon S3 are:
| ACL | Permissions Added to ACL |
| `:private` | Owner gets `FULL_CONTROL`. No one else has access rights (default). |
| `:public_read` | Owner gets `FULL_CONTROL`. The `AllUsers` group gets READ access. |
| `:public_read_write` | Owner gets `FULL_CONTROL`. The `AllUsers` group gets `READ` and `WRITE` access. Granting this on a bucket is generally not recommended. |
| `:authenticated_read` | Owner gets `FULL_CONTROL`. The `AuthenticatedUsers` group gets `READ` access. |
| `:bucket_owner_read` | Object owner gets `FULL_CONTROL`. Bucket owner gets `READ` access. |
| `:bucket_owner_full_control` | Both the object owner and the bucket owner get `FULL_CONTROL` over the object. |
For more information on the behavior of each of these, please consult Amazon's documentation for [Access Control List (ACL) Overview](
### S3 Object Headers
The definition module may specify custom headers to pass through to S3 during object creation. The available custom headers include:
* :cache_control
* :content_disposition
* :content_encoding
* :content_length
* :content_type
* :expect
* :expires
* :storage_class
* :website_redirect_location
As an example, to explicitly specify the content-type of an object, you may define a `s3_object_headers/2` function in your definition, which returns a Keyword list, or Map of desired headers.
def s3_object_headers(version, {file, scope}) do
[content_type: Plug.MIME.path(file.file_name)] # for "image.png", would produce: "image/png"
### File Validation
While storing files on S3 (rather than your harddrive) eliminates some malicious attack vectors, it is strongly encouraged to validate the extensions of uploaded files as well.
Arc delegates validation to a `validate/1` function with a tuple of the file and scope. As an example, to validate that an uploaded file conforms to popular image formats, you may use:
defmodule Avatar do
use Arc.Definition
@extension_whitelist ~w(.jpg .jpeg .gif .png)
def validate({file, _}) do
file_extension = file.file_name |> Path.extname |> String.downcase
Enum.member?(@extension_whitelist, file_extension)
Any uploaded file failing validation will return `{:error, :invalid_file}` when passed through to ``.
### File Names
It may be undesirable to retain original filenames (eg, it may contain personally identifiable information, vulgarity, vulnerabilities with Unicode characters, etc).
You may specify the destination filename for uploaded versions through your definition module.
A common pattern is to combine directories scoped to a particular model's primary key, along with static filenames. (eg: `user_avatars/1/thumb.png`)
# To retain the original filename, but prefix the version and user id:
def filename(version, {file, scope}) do
# To make the destination file the same as the version:
def filename(version, _), do: version
## Object Deletion
After an object is stored through Arc, you may optionally remove it. To remove a stored object, pass the same path identifier and scope from which you stored the object.
# Without a scope:
{:ok, path} ="/Images/me.png")
:ok = DummyDefinition.delete(path)
# With a scope:
user = Repo.get! User, 1
{:ok, path} ={"/Images/me.png", user})
:ok = DummyDefinition.delete({path, user})
## Url Generation
Saving your files is only the first half of any decent storage solution. Straightforward access to your uploaded files is equally as important as storing them in the first place.
Often times you will want to regain access to the stored files. As such, `Arc` facilitates the generation of urls.
user = Repo.get(User, 1)
# To generate a regular, unsigned url (defaults to the first version):
Avatar.url({user.avatar, user}) #=> ""
# To specify the version of the upload:
Avatar.url({user.avatar, user}, :thumb) #=> ""
# To generate a signed url:
Avatar.url({user.avatar, user}, :thumb, signed: true) #=> ""
# To generate urls for all versions:
Avatar.urls({user.avatar, user}) #=> %{original: "https://.../original.png", thumb: "https://.../thumb.png"}
**Default url**
In cases where a placeholder image is desired when an uploaded file is not present, Arc allows the definition of a default image to be returned gracefully when requested with a `nil` file.
def default_url(version) do
MyApp.Endpoint.url <> "/images/placeholders/profile_image.png"
Avatar.url(nil) #=> ""
Avatar.url({nil, scope}) #=> ""
**Virtual Host**
To support AWS regions other than US Standard, it may be required to generate urls in the [`virtual_host`]( style. This will generate urls in the style: `https://#{bucket}` instead of `{bucket}`.
To use this style of url generation, your bucket name must be DNS compliant.
This can be enabled with:
config :arc,
virtual_host: true
> When using virtual hosted–style buckets with SSL, the SSL wild card certificate only matches buckets that do not contain periods. To work around this, use HTTP or write your own certificate verification logic.
**Asset Host**
You may optionally specify an asset host rather than using the default `` format.
In your application configuration, you'll need to provide an `asset_host` value:
config :arc,
asset_host: ""
### Alternate S3 configuration example
If you are using a region other than US-Standard, it is necessary to specify the correct configuration for `ex_aws`. A full example configuration for both arc and ex_aws is as follows:
config :arc,
bucket: "my-frankfurt-bucket"
config :ex_aws,
access_key_id: "my_access_key_id",
secret_access_key: "my_secret_access_key",
region: "eu-central-1",
s3: [
scheme: "https://",
host: "",
region: "eu-central-1"
> For your host configuration, please examine the approved [AWS Hostnames]( There are often multiple hostname formats for AWS regions, and it will not work unless you specify the correct one.
# Full Example
defmodule Avatar do
use Arc.Definition
@versions [:original, :thumb]
@extension_whitelist ~w(.jpg .jpeg .gif .png)
def acl(:thumb, _), do: :public_read
def validate({file, _}) do
file_extension = file.file_name |> Path.extname |> String.downcase
Enum.member?(@extension_whitelist, file_extension)
def transform(:thumb, _) do
{:convert, "-thumbnail 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100 -format png"}
def filename(version, _) do
def storage_dir(_, {file, user}) do
def default_url(:thumb) do
# Given some current_user record
current_user = %{id: 1}
# Store any accessible file{"/path/to/my/selfie.png", current_user}) #=> {:ok, "selfie.png"}
# ..or store directly from the `params` of a file upload within your controller{%Plug.Upload{}, current_user}) #=> {:ok, "selfie.png"}
# and retrieve the url later
Avatar.url({"selfie.png", current_user}, :thumb) #=> ""
## Roadmap
Contributions are welcome. Here is my current roadmap:
* Ease migration for version (or acl) changes
* Alternative storage destinations (eg, Filesystem)
* Solidify public API
## Contribution
Open source contributions are welcome. All pull requests must have corresponding unit tests.
To execute all tests locally, make sure the following system environment variables are set prior to running tests (if you wish to test `s3_test.exs`)
Then execute `mix test`.
## License
Copyright 2015 Sean Stavropoulos
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.