# argamak 🐎
A Gleam library for tensor maths.
> “I admire the elegance of your method of computation; it must be nice to ride
> through these fields upon the horse of true mathematics while the like of us
> have to make our way laboriously on foot.”
> —Albert Einstein, to Tullio Levi-Civita, circa 1915–1917
<p align="center" width="100%"><a href="https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Akhal-Teke"><img alt="Argamak: A shiny steed." src="https://github.com/tynanbe/argamak/raw/main/argamak.jpg" width="250"></a></p>
## Installation
### As a dependency of your Gleam project
• Add `argamak` to `gleam.toml` from the command line
$ gleam add argamak
### As a dependency of your Mix project
• Add `argamak` to `mix.exs`
defp deps do
{:argamak, "~> 1.0"},
### As a dependency of your Rebar3 project
• Add `argamak` to `rebar.config`
{deps, [
{argamak, "1.0.0"}
### JavaScript
The `@tensorflow/tfjs` package is a runtime requirement for `argamak`; however,
its import path in the `argamak_ffi.mjs` module might need adjustment, depending
on your use case. It can be used as is in your Node.js project after running
`npm install @tensorflow/tfjs-node` or an equivalent command for your package
manager of choice.
## Usage
// derby.gleam
import gleam/function
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/result
import gleam/string
import argamak/axis.{Axis, Infer}
import argamak/space
import argamak/tensor.{type TensorError, InvalidData}
pub fn announce_winner(
from horses: List(String),
with times: List(Float),
) -> Result(Nil, TensorError) {
// Space records help maintain a clear understanding of a Tensor's data.
// We begin by creating a two-dimensional Space with "Horse" and "Trial" Axes.
// The "Trial" Axis size is two because horses always run twice in our derby.
// The "Horse" Axis size will be inferred based on the data when a Tensor is
// put into our Space (perhaps we won't always know how many horses will run).
use d2 <- result.try(
space.d2(Infer(name: "Horse"), Axis(name: "Trial", size: 2))
|> result.map_error(with: tensor.SpaceErrors),
// Every Tensor has a numerical Format, a Space, and some data.
// A 2d Tensor can be visualized like a table or matrix.
// Tensor(
// Format(Float32)
// Space(Axis("Horse", 5), Axis("Trial", 2))
// Trial
// H [[horse1_time1, horse1_time2],
// o [horse2_time1, horse2_time2],
// r [horse3_time1, horse3_time2],
// s [horse4_time1, horse4_time2],
// e [horse5_time1, horse5_time2]],
// )
// Next we create a Tensor from a List of times and put it into our 2d Space.
use x <- result.try(tensor.from_floats(of: times, into: d2))
let announce = function.compose(string.inspect, io.println)
announce("Trial times per horse")
// Axes can be referenced by name.
// Here we reduce away the "Trial" Axis to get each horse's mean run time.
announce("Mean time per horse")
let mean_times =
|> tensor.mean(with: fn(a) { axis.name(a) == "Trial" })
|> tensor.debug
// This catch-all function will reduce away all Axes, although at this point
// only the "Horse" Axis remains.
let all_axes = fn(_) { True }
// We get a String representation of the minimum mean time.
announce("Fastest mean time")
let time =
|> tensor.min_over(with: all_axes)
|> tensor.debug
|> tensor.to_string(return: tensor.Data, wrap_at: 0)
// And we get an index number, followed by the name of the winning horse.
announce("Fastest horse")
use horse <- result.try(
|> tensor.arg_min(with: all_axes)
|> tensor.debug
|> tensor.to_int,
use horse <- result.try(
|> list.at(get: horse)
|> result.replace_error(InvalidData),
// Finally, we make our announcement!
{ horse <> " wins the day with a mean time of " <> time <> " minutes!" }
|> announce
|> Ok
### Example
> derby.announce_winner(
> from: ["Pony Express", "Hay Girl", "Low Rider"],
> with: [1.2, 1.3, 1.3, 1.0, 1.5, 0.9],
> )
"Trial times per horse"
Space(Axis("Horse", 3), Axis("Trial", 2)),
[[1.2, 1.3],
[1.3, 1.0],
[1.5, 0.9]],
"Mean time per horse"
Space(Axis("Horse", 3)),
[1.25, 1.15, 1.2],
"Fastest mean time"
"Fastest horse"
"Hay Girl wins the day with a mean time of 1.15 minutes!"