# Argon2
Argon2 password hashing for Elixir.
[Argon2](https://github.com/P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2) is the official winner of the
Password Hashing Competition, a several year project to identify a successor to
bcrypt / PBKDF2 / scrypt password hashing methods.
So far, this has only been tested on Linux. If you have any difficulties installing
or using it on your platform, please open an issue.
## Requirements
* Elixir version 1.3 or later
* Erlang / OTP version 18 or later
* Erlang needs to be built with the `--enable-dirty-schedulers` flag set
* A C compiler, such as gcc
### Dirty scheduler
As stated above, you need to build Erlang with dirty scheduler support
to use this library, which relies on dirty scheduler support in order
to handle long-running cryptography jobs, by moving them off the main
Erlang scheduler and letting the dirty schedulers handle the work.
This keeps the Erlang VM responsive.
## Installation
1. Add `argon2_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:argon2_elixir, "~> 0.10"}]
2. Ensure `argon2_elixir` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:argon2_elixir]]
## Use
Most users will just need to use the `hash_pwd_salt/2` and `verify_hash/3`
functions in the Argon2 module.
`hash_pwd_salt` generates a random salt and creates a hash from a password.
`verify_hash` takes a stored hash and a password and checks that the hash
is correct.
Please read the documentation for the Argon2 module for more information.
### License
Apache 2.0