# Argx  [![Hex Version](]( [![docs](](
DSLs for checking args.
## Installation
Add argx to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
  [{:argx, ">= 0.0.0"}]
Install via `mix deps.get` and the happy check your args as described in [Usage](#usage) and [Advanced](#advanced).
## Usage
### Quick Start
defmodule YourProject do
  # step 1: introduce check function by Argx module
  use Argx

  # step 2: define rule
  defconfig(Rule, id(:string))

  def get(args) do
    # step 3: use check function to check args
    check(args, [Rule])
    |> case do
      {:error, _} -> :error
      _ -> :ok
### Check Via DSL
# step 1: define your validator
defmodule YourProject.Argx do
  use Argx.WithCheck

defmodule YourProject do
  # step 2: import your validator
  import YourProject.Argx

  # step 3: use with_check macro to wrap your function
  with_check configs(id(:string)) do
    def get(id) do
## Advanced
### 1. How to share arg configs?
**step 1**: create a module for define shared arg configs.
defmodule YourProject.ArgConfigs do
  use Argx.Defconfig
  defconfig(NumberRule, number(:string, :empty))
  defconfig(PageSizeRule, page_size(:integer, :auto, 1..100) || 10)
**step 2** : config share module to the following positions.
use Argx, share: YourProject.ArgConfigs
# or
use Argx.WithCheck, share: YourProject.ArgConfigs
**step 3** : use arg config by name.
def get(args) do
  check(args, [NumberRule, PageSizeRule])
  |> case do
    {:error, _} -> :error
    _ -> :ok
# or
with_check configs(NumberRule, PageSizeRule) do
  def get(id) do
### 2. Format errors
just implement callback `fmt_errors/1`, Argx invoke your custom format errors function, when check done.

There are 3 places to put it.

**Highest priority**: in the current module.
defmodule YourProject do
  use Argx
  def fmt_errors({:error, _errors}), do: :error
  def fmt_errors(_new_args_or_result), do: :ok
# or
defmodule YourProject do
  import YourProject.Argx
  def fmt_errors({:error, _errors}), do: :error
  def fmt_errors(_new_args_or_result), do: :ok
**Second priority**: in the share arg configs module.
defmodule YourProject.ArgConfigs do
  use Argx.Defconfig
  def fmt_errors({:error, _errors}), do: :error
  def fmt_errors(_new_args_or_result), do: :ok
**Lowest priority**: if you use argx via with_check, also implement it in the definition module.
defmodule YourProject.Argx do
  use Argx.WithCheck
  def fmt_errors({:error, _errors}), do: :error
  def fmt_errors(_new_args_or_result), do: :ok
## Features
- set default value if arg is ```nil``` or empty.
- convert arg's value automatically, if arg's value is compatible, such as: ```"1"``` to ```1```.
- check whether arg is lacked or empty.
- check whether arg's type is error.
- check whether arg's length/value is out of range.
- support nested data checking.
- similar checkbox functionality, required at least one arg is not nil in group. [usage](#defconfig)
- similar radio functionality, required only one arg is not nil in group. [usage](#defconfig)
## Support Data Type
  -  ```:boolean```
  -  ```:integer```
  -  ```:float```
  -  ```:string```
  -  ```:list```
  -  ```:map```
## check/2 function

- meaning of function's arg:
  - first arg only accept map or keyword data type as checking args.
  - second arg must be a list that only contains one or more rule names.
  check(data, [RuleA, :RuleB, "RuleC"])
- return value:
  - return new args, if success.
  - return errors, if failure.
## DSL
### defconfig
Reuse arg config rule by name.
- **config name**, **arg name** and **type** are necessary. [all types](#support-data-type)
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer))
  - `Rule` is config name. `:Rule`, `Rule` or `"Rule"` are acceptable.
  - `id` is arg name.
  - `:string` is type.
- `:optional` declare arg's value that can be nil.
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer, :optional))
- `:checkbox` declare this arg has checkbox functionality, `:optional` was set by default.
  defconfig(Rule, [weight(:integer, :checkbox), height(:integer, :checkbox, :optional)])
- `:radio` declare this arg has radio functionality, `:optional` was set by default also.
  defconfig(Rule, [weight(:integer, :radio), height(:integer, :radio, :optional)])
- `:auto` declare that argx convert it to expected type automatically if it is compatible.
  - `"1"` to `1`
  - `"1.2"` to `1.2`
  - `1` to `1.0`
  - `1` to `true`
  - `0` to `false`
  - `"1"` to `true`
  - `"0"` to `false`
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer, :auto))
- `:empty` empty value the same as nil, the following values are empty.
  - `0`
  - `0.0`
  - `""`
  - `%{}`
  - `[]`
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer, :empty))
- **range**: there are 2 ways to set value's range.
  - `10..20`, between 10 and 20, also include begin value and end value.
  - `20`, equal to 20.
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer, 10..20))
  `:list`, `:map` and `:string` value calculate it's length or size.
  `:integer` and `:float` value compare it's value directly.
  `:boolean` value will be ignored.
- **default**: there are 3 ways to set value's default value.
  - a value, such as: `1`.
  - local function.
  - remote function, module name should be fully-qualified name, such as: `YourProject.Helper`.
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer) || 0)
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer) || get_default_id())
  defconfig(Rule, id(:integer) || YourProject.Helper.get_default_id())
- **multi configs**: define them in one rule.
  defconfig(Rule, [id(:integer), name(:string)])
### with_check
- `configs` keyword is necessary and it's content is not empty.
- define configs directly or reuse rules by name.
- wrap multi functions that have different guards.
  defmodule YourProject do
    import YourProject.Argx
    with_check configs(
                   id(:integer, :optional, :auto, :empty, 1..99) || get_default_id()
               ) do
      def create(id) when is_integer(id) do
        {:ok, id}
      def create(id) when is_bitstring(id) do
        {:ok, String.to_integer(id)}
- getting all arg configs.
  - format: `__get_[function_name]_configs__`.
  - such as: `configs = YourProject.__get_create_configs__()`.
  - configs' data type is keyword, sorted by function arg_names.
## Errors
There are 3 types.
1. lacked some fields.
2. some fields' type is error.
3. some field's range/length/size is out of range.

    error_type: ["cargoes:1:number", "cargoes:2:name"], # report nested data's error
    lacked: [:mobile],
    out_of_range: [:weight]
If you want to convert meta errors to readable message, just implement [fmt_errors/1](#2-format-errors).
## Configuration
config `Argx` or `Argx.WithCheck` module.
1. set shared arg configs module.
2. set warn flag.
use Argx.WithCheck, share: YourProject.ArgConfigs, warn: false
## Benchee Report

| Name           | ips       | average  | deviation  | median   | 99th %    | Recommand |
| -------------- | --------- | -------- | ---------- | -------- | --------- | :-------: |
| without Argx   | 3090.90 K | 0.32 μs  | ±13466.34% | 0 μs     | 0.90 μs   |     -     |
| with_check DSL | 55.57 K   | 17.99 μs | ±124.26%   | 15.90 μs | 56.90 μs  |    YES    |
| check          | 22.64 K   | 44.18 μs | ±94.15%    | 36.90 μs | 153.90 μs |    NO     |

## Contributing
Contributions to Argx are very welcome!

Bug reports, documentation, spelling corrections... all of those (and probably more) are much appreciated contributions!