defmodule Ash.Resource.Actions.Metadata do
@moduledoc "Represents metadata from an action"
defstruct [
constraints: []
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
def schema do
name: [
type: :atom,
required: true,
doc: "The name of the metadata"
type: [
type: :any,
required: true,
doc: "The type of the metadata. See `Ash.Type` for more."
constraints: [
type: :keyword_list,
default: [],
doc: "Type constraints on the metadata"
description: [
type: :string,
doc: "An optional description for the metadata."
allow_nil?: [
type: :boolean,
default: true,
doc: "Whether or not the metadata may return `nil`"
default: [
type: :any,
"The default value for the metadata to take. It can be a zero argument function e.g `&MyMod.my_fun/0` or a value"