defmodule Ash.Resource.Validation.Builtins do
@moduledoc """
Built in validations that are available to all resources
The functions in this module are imported by default in the validations section.
alias Ash.Resource.Validation
@doc """
Validates that an attribute's value is in a given list
## Examples
validate one_of(:status, [:closed_won, :closed_lost])
@spec one_of(attribute :: atom, list(any)) :: Validation.ref()
def one_of(attribute, values) do
{Validation.OneOf, attribute: attribute, values: values}
@doc """
Validates that an attribute or relationship is being changed
## Examples
validate changing(:first_name)
validate changing(:comments)
@spec changing(attribute :: atom) :: Validation.ref()
def changing(field) do
{Validation.Changing, field: field}
@doc """
Validates that a field or argument matches another field or argument
## Examples
validate confirm(:password, :password_confirmation)
validate confirm(:email, :email_confirmation)
@spec confirm(attribute_or_argument :: atom, confirmation_attribute_or_argument :: atom) ::
def confirm(field, confirmation) do
{Validation.Confirm, [field: field, confirmation: confirmation]}
@doc """
Validates that an attribute is not being changed to a specific value, or does not equal the given value if it is not being changed.
## Examples
validate attribute_does_not_equal(:admin, true)
# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate attribute_does_not_equal(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]
@spec attribute_does_not_equal(attribute :: atom, value :: term) :: Validation.ref()
def attribute_does_not_equal(attribute, value) do
{Validation.AttributeDoesNotEqual, attribute: attribute, value: value}
@doc """
Validates that other validation does not pass
## Examples
validate negate(one_of(:status, [:closed, :finished]))
@spec negate(validation :: Validation.ref()) :: Validation.ref()
def negate(validation) do
{Validation.Negate, validation: validation}
@doc """
Validates that the action is a specific action. Primarily meant for use in `where`.
## Examples
validate present(:foo), where: [action_is(:bar)]
@spec action_is(action :: atom) :: Validation.ref()
def action_is(action) do
{Validation.ActionIs, action: action}
@doc """
Validates that an attribute is being changed to a specific value, or equals the given value if it is not being changed.
## Examples
validate attribute_equals(:admin, true)
# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate attribute_equals(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]
@spec attribute_equals(attribute :: atom, value :: term) :: Validation.ref()
def attribute_equals(attribute, value) do
{Validation.AttributeEquals, attribute: attribute, value: value}
@doc """
Validates that an attribute is being changed to one of a set of specific values, or is in the the given list if it is not being changed.
## Examples
validate attribute_in(:state, [1, 2, 3])
# Or to only check for changing to a something in a given list
validate attribute_in(:state, [1, 2, 3]), where: [changing(:state)]
@spec attribute_in(attribute :: atom, list :: [term]) :: Validation.ref()
def attribute_in(attribute, list) do
{Validation.AttributeIn, attribute: attribute, list: list}
@string_length_opts [
min: [
type: :non_neg_integer,
doc: "String must be this length at least"
max: [
type: :non_neg_integer,
doc: "String must be this length at most"
exact: [
type: :non_neg_integer,
doc: "String must be this length exactly"
@doc false
def string_length_opts, do: @string_length_opts
@doc """
Validates that an attribute on the original record meets the given length criteria
## Options
## Examples
validate string_length(:slug, exactly: 8)
validate string_length(:password, min: 6)
validate string_length(:secret, min: 4, max: 12)
@spec string_length(attribute :: atom, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Validation.ref()
def string_length(attribute, opts \\ []) do
{Validation.StringLength, Keyword.merge(opts, attribute: attribute)}
@compare_opts [
greater_than: [
type: {:or, [:integer, :atom, :float, {:struct, Decimal}, {:fun, 0}]},
required: false,
doc: "The value that the attribute should be greater than."
greater_than_or_equal_to: [
type: {:or, [:integer, :atom, :float, {:struct, Decimal}, {:fun, 0}]},
required: false,
doc: "The value that the attribute should be greater than or equal to"
less_than: [
type: {:or, [:integer, :atom, :float, {:struct, Decimal}, {:fun, 0}]},
required: false,
doc: "The value that the attribute should be less than"
less_than_or_equal_to: [
type: {:or, [:integer, :atom, :float, {:struct, Decimal}, {:fun, 0}]},
required: false,
doc: "The value that the attribute should be less than or equal to"
@doc false
def compare_opts do
@numericality_docs """
Validates that an attribute or argument meets the given comparison criteria.
The values provided for each option may be a literal value, attribute, argument, or a zero argument function.
## Options
## Examples
validate numericality(:age, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18),
where: [attribute_equals(:show_adult_content, true)],
message: "must be over %{greater_than_or_equal_to} to enable adult content."
validate numericality(:points, greater_than: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 100)
@doc @numericality_docs
@spec numericality(attribute :: atom, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Validation.ref()
def numericality(attribute, opts \\ []) do
compare(attribute, opts)
@doc String.replace(@numericality_docs, "numericality(", "compare(")
@spec compare(attribute :: atom, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Validation.ref()
def compare(attribute, opts \\ []) do
{Validation.Compare, Keyword.merge(opts, attribute: attribute)}
@doc """
Validates that an attribute's value matches a given regex.
`String.match?/2` is used to determine if the value matches.
## Examples
validate match(:slug, ~r/^[0-9a-z-_]+$/)
@spec match(attribute :: atom, match :: Regex.t()) :: Validation.ref()
def match(attribute, match) do
attribute: attribute, match: match, message: "must match #{inspect(match)}"}
@present_opts [
at_least: [
type: :non_neg_integer,
doc: "At least this many must be present. Defaults to the number of attributes provided"
at_most: [
type: :non_neg_integer,
doc: "At most this many must be present. Defaults to the number of attributes provided"
exactly: [
type: :non_neg_integer,
doc: "Exactly this many must be present"
@doc false
def present_opts do
@doc """
Validates the presence of a list of attributes or arguments.
If no options are provided, validates that they are all present.
## Options
@spec present(attributes_or_arguments :: atom | list(atom), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
def present(attributes, opts \\ []) do
if opts == [] do
attributes = List.wrap(attributes)
{Validation.Present, attributes: attributes, exactly: Enum.count(attributes)}
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :attributes, List.wrap(attributes))
{Validation.Present, opts}
@doc """
Validates the absence of a list of attributes or arguments.
If no options are provided, validates that they are all absent.
This works by changing your options and providing them to the `present` validation.
## Options
#{String.replace(, "present", "absent")}
@spec absent(attributes_or_arguments :: atom | list(atom), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
def absent(attributes, opts \\ []) do
if opts == [] do
{Validation.Present, attributes: List.wrap(attributes), exactly: 0}
attributes = List.wrap(attributes)
count = Enum.count(attributes)
new_opts =
case Keyword.fetch(opts, :at_least) do
{:ok, value} ->
Keyword.put(opts, :at_most, count - value)
:error ->
Keyword.put(opts, :at_most, 0)
new_opts =
case Keyword.fetch(opts, :at_most) do
{:ok, value} ->
Keyword.put(new_opts, :at_least, count - value)
:error ->
Keyword.put(new_opts, :at_least, 0)
present(attributes, new_opts)
@doc """
Validates that an argument is not being changed to a specific value, or does not equal the given value if it is not being changed.
## Examples
validate argument_does_not_equal(:admin, true)
# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate argument_does_not_equal(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]
@spec argument_does_not_equal(argument :: atom, value :: term) :: Validation.ref()
def argument_does_not_equal(argument, value) do
{Validation.ArgumentDoesNotEqual, argument: argument, value: value}
@doc """
Validates that an argument is being changed to a specific value, or equals the given value if it is not being changed.
## Examples
validate argument_equals(:admin, true)
# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate argument_equals(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]
@spec argument_equals(argument :: atom, value :: term) :: Validation.ref()
def argument_equals(argument, value) do
{Validation.ArgumentEquals, argument: argument, value: value}
@doc """
Validates that an argument is being changed to one of a set of specific values, or is in the the given list if it is not being changed.
## Examples
validate argument_in(:state, [1, 2, 3])
# Or to only check for changing to a something in a given list
validate argument_in(:state, [1, 2, 3]), where: [changing(:state)]
@spec argument_in(argument :: atom, list :: [term]) :: Validation.ref()
def argument_in(argument, list) do
{Validation.ArgumentIn, argument: argument, list: list}