
defmodule Ash.Resource.Change.Builtins do
  @moduledoc """
  Built in changes that are available to all resources

  The functions in this module are imported by default in the actions section.

  @relate_actor_opts [
    relationship: [
      doc: "The relationship to set the actor to.",
      required: true,
      type: :atom
    allow_nil?: [
      doc: "Whether or not to allow the actor to be nil, in which case nothing will happen.",
      type: :boolean,
      default: false

  @doc """
  Relates the actor to the data being changed, as the provided relationship.

  ## Options


  ## Examples

      change relate_actor(:owner, allow_nil?: true)
  def relate_actor_opts do

  @spec relate_actor(relationship :: atom, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Ash.Resource.Change.ref()
  def relate_actor(relationship, opts \\ []) do
    opts =
      |> Keyword.put(:relationship, relationship)
      |> Keyword.put_new(:allow_nil?, false)

    {Ash.Resource.Change.RelateActor, opts}

  @doc """
  Sets the attribute to the value provided.

  If a zero argument function is provided, it is called to determine the value.

    Use `arg(:argument_name)` to use the value of the given argument. If the argument is not supplied then nothing happens.

  ## Examples

      change set_attribute(:active, false)
      change set_attribute(:opened_at, &DateTime.utc_now/0)
      change set_attribute(:status, arg(:status))
  @spec set_attribute(relationship :: atom, (() -> term) | {:_arg, :status} | term()) ::
  def set_attribute(attribute, value) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.SetAttribute, attribute: attribute, value: value}

  @doc """
  Sets the attribute to the value provided if the attribute is not already being changed.

  If a zero argument function is provided, it is called to determine the value.

  Use `arg(:argument_name)` to use the value of the given argument. If the argument is not supplied then nothing happens.

  ## Examples

      change set_new_attribute(:active, false)
      change set_new_attribute(:opened_at, &DateTime.utc_now/0)
      change set_new_attribute(:status, arg(:status))
  @spec set_new_attribute(relationship :: atom, (() -> term) | {:_arg, :status} | term()) ::
  def set_new_attribute(attribute, value) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.SetAttribute, attribute: attribute, value: value, new?: true}

  @doc """
  Clears a change off of the changeset before the action runs.

  Does not fail if it is being changed, but ensures it is cleared just before the action.

  Can be useful if a change is only used in validations but shouldn't ultimately be written to the data layer.

  ## Examples

      change prevent_change(:email)
  @spec prevent_change(attribute :: atom) :: Ash.Resource.Change.ref()
  def prevent_change(attribute) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.PreventChange, field: attribute}

  @doc """
  Calls `Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4` with the changeset and relationship provided, using the value provided for the named argument.

  If relationship_name is not specified, it is assumed to be the same as the argument.

  For information on the available options, see `Ash.Changeset.manage_relationship/4`.

  ## Examples

      change manage_relationship(:comments, type: :append)
      change manage_relationship(:remove_comments, :comments, type: :remove)
  @spec manage_relationship(
          argument :: atom,
          relationship_name :: atom | nil,
          opts :: Keyword.t()
        ) ::
  def manage_relationship(argument, relationship_name \\ nil, opts) do
    relationship_name = relationship_name || argument

     [argument: argument, relationship: relationship_name, opts: opts]}

  @doc """
  Merges the given query context.

  If an MFA is provided, it will be called with the changeset.
  The MFA should return `{:ok, context_to_be_merged}` or `{:error, term}`

  ## Examples

      change set_context(%{something_used_internally: true})
      change set_context({MyApp.Context, :set_context, []})
  @spec set_context(context :: map | mfa) ::
  def set_context(context) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.SetContext, context: context}

  @doc """
  Passes the provided value into `changeset.api.load()`, after the action has completed.

  ## Example

      change load(:comments)
      change load([:friend_count, :friends])
  @spec load(load :: term()) :: Ash.Resource.Change.ref()
  def load(value) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.Load, target: value}

  @doc """
  Passes the provided value into ``

  Keep in mind, this will *limit* the fields that are selected. You may want `ensure_selected/1` if you
  want to make sure that something is selected, without deselecting anything else.

  Selecting in changesets does not actually do a select in the data layer. It nils out any
  fields that were not selected after completing the action. This can be useful if you are writing
  policies that have to do with specific fields being selected.

  ## Example

      change select([:name])
  @spec select(select :: atom | list(atom)) :: Ash.Resource.Change.ref()
  def select(value) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.Select, target: value}

  @doc """
  Passes the provided value into `Ash.Changeset.ensure_selected/2`

  If the value is not already selected, this makes sure it is. Does not deselect anything else.

  ## Example

    change ensure_selected([:necessary_field])
  @spec ensure_selected(select :: atom | list(atom)) :: Ash.Resource.Change.ref()
  def ensure_selected(value) do
    {Ash.Resource.Change.Select, target: value, ensure?: true}