
defmodule Ash.Resource.Aggregate do
  @moduledoc "Represents a named aggregate on the resource that can be loaded"
  defstruct [
    authorize?: true,
    filterable?: true

  @schema [
    name: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: "The field to place the aggregate in",
      required: true
    read_action: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: """
      The read action to use when building the aggregate

      Defaults to the primary read action. Keep in mind this action must not
      have any required arguments.
    relationship_path: [
      type: {:custom, __MODULE__, :relationship_path, []},
      doc: "The relationship or relationship path to use for the aggregate",
      required: true
    kind: [
           {:in, [:count, :first, :sum, :list, :avg, :max, :min, :custom]},
           {:tuple, [{:in, [:custom]}, Ash.OptionsHelpers.ash_type()]}
      doc: "The kind of the aggregate",
      required: true
    field: [
      type: :atom,
        "The field to aggregate. Defaults to the first field in the primary key of the resource",
      required: false
    filter: [
      type: :any,
      doc: "A filter to apply to the aggregate",
      default: []
    sort: [
      type: :any,
      doc: "A sort to be applied to the aggregate"
    description: [
      type: :string,
      doc: "An optional description for the aggregate"
    default: [
      type: :any,
      doc: "A default value to use in cases where nil would be used. Count defaults to `0`."
    private?: [
      type: :boolean,
      default: false,
        "Whether or not the aggregate will appear in any interfaces created off of this resource, e.g AshJsonApi and AshGraphql"
    filterable?: [
      type: {:or, [:boolean, {:in, [:simple_equality]}]},
      default: true,
      doc: "Whether or not the aggregate should be usable in filters."
    authorize?: [
      type: :boolean,
      default: true,
      doc: """
      Wether or not the aggregate query should authorize based on the target action.

      If you are using filter checks or simple checks that don't depend on arguments on the destination resource, then
      this should be set to `true`. Additionally, you can set `read_action` to a separate action that does have filter checks.
      Otherwise, you can set `authorize? false` on the aggregate.

      If the parent query is not being authorized, then the aggregate not be authorized either regardless of the setting.

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          name: atom(),
          relationship_path: list(atom()),
          filter: Keyword.t(),
          field: atom,
          kind: Ash.Query.Aggregate.kind(),
          description: String.t() | nil,
          private?: boolean,
          authorize?: boolean,
          read_action: atom | nil,
          default: term

  @doc false
  def schema, do: @schema

  def relationship_path(value) do
    value = List.wrap(value)

    if Enum.all?(value, &is_atom/1) do
      {:ok, value}
      {:error, "relationship path must be atoms"}