
defmodule Ash.Resource.Relationships.HasOne do
  @moduledoc "Represents a has_one relationship on a resource"

  defstruct [
    no_attributes?: false,
    could_be_related_at_creation?: false,
    validate_destination_attribute?: true,
    cardinality: :one,
    type: :has_one,
    allow_nil?: false,
    filterable?: true

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          type: :has_one,
          cardinality: :one,
          source: Ash.Resource.t(),
          name: atom,
          filterable?: boolean,
          read_action: atom,
          no_attributes?: boolean,
          writable?: boolean,
          type: Ash.Type.t(),
          filter: Ash.Filter.t() | nil,
          destination: Ash.Resource.t(),
          destination_attribute: atom,
          private?: boolean,
          source_attribute: atom,
          allow_orphans?: boolean,
          description: String.t(),
          manual: atom | {atom, Keyword.t()} | nil

  import Ash.Resource.Relationships.SharedOptions
  alias Spark.OptionsHelpers

  @global_opts shared_options()
               |> OptionsHelpers.set_default!(:source_attribute, :id)

  @opt_schema Spark.OptionsHelpers.merge_schemas(
                [manual(), no_attributes()] ++
                    allow_nil?: [
                      type: :boolean,
                      default: true,
                      doc: """
                      Marks the relationship as required. Has no effect on validations, but can inform extensions that there will always be a related entity.
                "Relationship Options"

  @doc false
  def opt_schema, do: @opt_schema