
defmodule Ash.Api.Dsl do
  @api %Spark.Dsl.Section{
    name: :api,
    describe: "General Api configuration",
    examples: [
      api do
        description \"\"\"
        Resources related to the flux capacitor.
    schema: [
      description: [
        type: :string,
        doc: """
        A description for the api.

  @execution %Spark.Dsl.Section{
    name: :execution,
    describe: "Options for how requests are executed using this Api",
    examples: [
      execution do
        timeout :timer.seconds(30)
    schema: [
      timeout: [
        type: :timeout,
        doc: """
        The default timeout to use for requests using this API.
        See the [timeouts guide](/documentation/topics/ for more.
        default: 30_000
      trace_name: [
        type: :string,
        doc: """
        The name to use in traces. Defaults to the last part of the module.

        See the [monitoring guide](/documentation/topics/ for more

  @authorization %Spark.Dsl.Section{
    name: :authorization,
    describe: """
    Options for how requests are authorized using this Api.

    See the [security guide](/documentation/topics/ for more.
    examples: [
      authorization do
        authorize :by_default
    schema: [
      require_actor?: [
        type: :boolean,
        default: false,
        doc: "Requires that an actor has been supplied."
      authorize: [
        type: {:in, [:always, :by_default, :when_requested]},
        default: :when_requested,
        doc: """
        When to run authorization for a given request.

  @resources %Spark.Dsl.Section{
    name: :resources,
    describe: "List the resources present in this API",
    examples: [
      resources do
        registry MyApp.Registry
    schema: [
      allow: [
        type: :mfa,
        doc: """
        Support a dynamic resource list by providing a callback that checks whether or not the resource should be allowed.
      allow_unregistered?: [
        type: :boolean,
        default: false,
        doc: """
        Whether the Api will support only registered entries or not.
      registry: [
        type: {:behaviour, Ash.Registry},
        doc: """
        Configure the registry that contains the resources. It is recommended to use application config for this, to help with compile times. See the quick start guide for more.
    no_depend_modules: [:registry]

  @sections [@api, @resources, @execution, @authorization]

  @moduledoc """
  A small DSL for declaring APIs

  Apis are the entrypoints for working with your resources.

  Apis may optionally include a list of resources, in which case they can be
  used as an `Ash.Registry` in various places. This is for backwards compatibility,
  but if at all possible you should define an `Ash.Registry` if you are using an extension
  that requires a list of resources. For example, most extensions look for two application
  environment variables called `:ash_apis` and `:ash_registries` to find any potential registries

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  ## DSL Documentation

  ### Index


  ### Docs

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  use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: @sections