# Generic Actions
Generic actions are so named because there are no special rules about how they work. A generic action takes arguments and returns a value. The struct used for building input for a generic action is `Ash.ActionInput`.
action :say_hello, :string do
argument :name, :string, allow_nil?: false
run fn input, _ ->
{:ok, "Hello: #{input.arguments.name}"}
A generic action declares its arguments, return type, and implementation, as illustrated above.
> ### No return? No problem! {: .tip}
> Generic actions can omit a return type, in which case running them returns `:ok` if successful.
> ```elixir
> action :schedule_job do
> argument :job_name, :string, allow_nil?: false
> run fn input, _ ->
> # Schedule the job
> :ok
> end
> end
> ```
For a full list of all of the available options for configuring generic actions, see [the Ash.Resource.Dsl documentation](dsl-ash-resource.html#actions-action).
## Calling Generic Actions
The basic formula for calling a generic action looks like this:
|> Ash.ActionInput.for_action(:action_name, %{argument: :value}, ...opts)
|> Ash.run_action!()
See the [code interface guide](/documentation/topics/code-interfaces.md) guide for how to
define idiomatic and convenient functions that call your actions.
## Why use generic actions?
The example above could be written as a normal function in elixir, i.e
def say_hello(name), do: "Hello: #{name}"
The benefit of using generic actions instead of defining normal functions:
- They can be used with api extensions like `ash_json_api` and `ash_graphql`
- Their inputs are type checked and casted
- They support Ash authorization patterns (i.e policies)
- They can be included in the code interface of a resource
- They can be made transactional with a single option (`transaction? true`)
If you don't need any of the above, then there is no problem with writing regular Elixir functions!
## Return types and constraints
Generic actions do not cast their return types. It is expected that the action return a valid value for the type that they declare. However, declaring additional constraints can inform API usage, and make the action more clear. For example:
action :priority, :integer do
constraints [min: 1, max: 3]
argument :status, :atom, constraints: [one_of: [:high, :medium, :low]]
run fn input, _ ->
case input.arguments.status do
:high -> {:ok, 3}
:medium -> {:ok, 2}
:low -> {:ok, 1}
> #### Returning resource instances {: .info}
> It sometimes happens that you want to make a generic action which returns an
> instance or instances of the resource. It's natural to assume that you can
> set your action's return type to the name of your resource. This won't work
> as resources do not define a type, unless they are embedded. In embedded resources, this won't work because the module is still being compiled, so referencing yourself as a type causes a compile error. Instead, use the `:struct` type and the `instance_of` constraint, like so:
> ```elixir
> action :get, :struct do
> constraints instance_of: __MODULE__
> run # ...
> end
> ```
> For returning many instances of the resource, you can set your action's return type to
> `{:array, :struct}` and set the `items` constraint to the name of your resource.
> ```elixir
> action :list_resources, {:array, :struct} do
> constraints items: [instance_of: __MODULE__]
> run # ...
> end
> ```
## Calling Generic Actions
To execute a generic action in Ash, follow these steps:
1. **Prepare the action input:** Use `Ash.ActionInput.for_action/4` to specify the resource, the action and its arguments.
2. **Run the action:** Use `Ash.run_action/2` to execute the action with the prepared input.
### Example Usage
Consider an `Ash.Resource` with the action `:say_hello`:
action :say_hello, :string do
argument :name, :string, allow_nil?: false
run fn input, _ ->
{:ok, "Hello: #{input.arguments.name}"}
Call this action:
{:ok, greeting} = Resource
|> Ash.ActionInput.for_action(:say_hello, %{name: "Alice"})
|> Ash.run_action()
IO.puts(greeting) # Output: Hello: Alice
### Using Code Interface
You can also use [Code Interfaces](documentation/topics/resources/code-interfaces.md) to call actions:
Given a definition like:
define :say_hello, args: [:name]
{:ok, greeting} = Resource.say_hello("Alice")
greeting = Resource.say_hello!("Alice")