
defmodule Ash.Flow.Step do
  @moduledoc """
  A behaviour for implementing a custom step in a flow.

  @callback run(input :: map | nil, opts :: Keyword.t(), context :: map) ::
              {:ok, term}
              | {:ok, term, %{optional(:notifications) => list(Ash.Notifier.Notification.t())}}
              | {:error, term}

  @callback describe(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
  @callback short_name(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
  @optional_callbacks [describe: 1, short_name: 1]

  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      @behaviour Ash.Flow.Step

  @doc false
  def shared_opts do
      name: [
        type: :atom,
        required: true,
        doc: "The name of the step. Will be used when expressing dependencies, and step inputs."
      short_name: [
        type: :string,
          "Set a short name for the step. Will be used when building things like mermaid charts."
      wait_for: [
        type: :any,
        doc: """
        Ensures that the step happens after the configured step or steps. This is a template who's results are not used, only awaited.
      touches_resources: [
        type: {:list, :atom},
        doc: """
        A list of resources touched by any custom logic in this step. This is used in the case that this step is run in a transaction. This is primarily only needed for `custom` steps.
      halt_if: [
        type: :any,
        doc: """
        Halts the step by emitting an error (with an `Ash.Error.Flow.Halted`). Can use template variables. See the section on Halting for more.
      halt_reason: [
        type: :any,
        doc: """
        Configures the reason for the `halt_if` clause.
        default: :halted
      description: [
        type: :string,
        doc: """
        A description for the step.

  @doc false
  def shared_action_opts do
      resource: [
        type: :any,
        required: true,
        doc: "The resource to call the action on."
      action: [
        type: :any,
        required: true,
        doc: "The action to call on the resource."
      api: [
        type: :any,
          "The api to use when calling the action. Defaults to the api set in the `flow` section."
      tenant: [
        type: :any,
        doc: "A tenant to use for the operation. May be a template or a literal value."
      input: input()

  @doc false
  def input do
      type: :any,
      doc: """
      A template for the input.