# AshAdmin

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An admin UI for Ash resources. Built with Phoenix LiveView.

## Demo

## Usage

First, ensure you've added ash_admin to your `mix.exs` file.

{:ash_admin, "~> 0.2.15"}

## Setup

Modify your router to add ash admin:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router

  import AshAdmin.Router

  # AshAdmin requires a Phoenix LiveView `:browser` pipeline
  # If you DO NOT have a `:browser` pipeline already, then AshAdmin has a `:browser` pipeline
  # Most applications will not need this:
  admin_browser_pipeline :browser

  scope "/" do
    # Pipe it through your browser pipeline
    pipe_through [:browser]

    ash_admin "/admin",
      apis: [MyApp.Api1, MyApp.Api2]

Now start your project (usually by running `mix phx.server` in a terminal) and visit `/admin` in your browser (or whatever path you gave to `ash_admin` in your router).

## Configuration

See the documentation in [`AshAdmin.Resource`]( and [`AshAdmin.Api`]( for information on the available configuration.