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# DSL: AshAuthentication.Strategy.Oidc

Strategy for authentication using an [OpenID
Connect]( compatible server as the source of

This strategy builds on-top of `AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2` and

In order to use OIDC you need to provide the following minimum configuration:

- `client_id` - The client id, required
- `site` - The OIDC issuer, required
- `openid_configuration_uri` - The URI for OpenID Provider, optional, defaults
  to `/.well-known/openid-configuration`
- `client_authentication_method` - The Client Authentication method to use,
  optional, defaults to `client_secret_basic`
- `client_secret` - The client secret, required if
  `:client_authentication_method` is `:client_secret_basic`,
  `:client_secret_post`, or `:client_secret_jwt`
- `openid_configuration` - The OpenID configuration, optional, the
  configuration will be fetched from `:openid_configuration_uri` if this is
  not defined
- `id_token_signed_response_alg` - The `id_token_signed_response_alg`
  parameter sent by the Client during Registration, defaults to `RS256`
- `id_token_ttl_seconds` - The number of seconds from `iat` that an ID Token
  will be considered valid, optional, defaults to nil
- `nonce` - The nonce to use for authorization request, optional, MUST be
  session based and unguessable.

## Nonce
`nonce` can be set in the provider config. The `nonce` will be returned in the
`session_params` along with `state`. You can use this to store the value in
the current session e.g. a httpOnly session cookie.

A random value generator can look like this:

|> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes()
|> Base.encode64(padding: false)

AshAuthentication will dynamically generate one for the session if `nonce` is
set to `true`.

## More documentation:
- The [OAuth2 documentation](`AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2`)

## authentication.strategies.oidc
oidc name \\ :oidc

Provides an OpenID Connect authentication strategy.

This strategy is built using the `:oauth2` strategy, and thus provides
all the same configuration options should you need them.

###### More documentation:
- The [OAuth2 documentation](`AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2`)

### Arguments

| Name | Type | Default | Docs |
| [`name`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-name){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-name .spark-required} | `atom` |  | Uniquely identifies the strategy. |
### Options

| Name | Type | Default | Docs |
| [`client_id`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-client_id){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-client_id .spark-required} | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` |  | The OAuth2 client ID.  Takes either a module which implements the `AshAuthentication.Secret` behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string. |
| [`base_url`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-base_url){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-base_url .spark-required} | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` |  | The base URL of the OAuth2 server - including the leading protocol (ie `https://`).  Takes either a module which implements the `AshAuthentication.Secret` behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string. |
| [`redirect_uri`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-redirect_uri){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-redirect_uri .spark-required} | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` |  | The callback URI *base*. Not the whole URI back to the callback endpoint, but the URI to your `AuthPlug`. Takes either a module which implements the `AshAuthentication.Secret` behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string. |
| [`site`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-site){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-site } | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` |  | Deprecated: Use `base_url` instead. |
| [`prevent_hijacking?`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-prevent_hijacking?){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-prevent_hijacking? } | `boolean` | `true` | Requires a confirmation add_on to be present if the password strategy is used with the same identity_field. |
| [`auth_method`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-auth_method){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-auth_method } | `nil \| :client_secret_basic \| :client_secret_post \| :client_secret_jwt \| :private_key_jwt` | `:client_secret_post` | The authentication strategy used, optional. If not set, no authentication will be used during the access token request. |
| [`client_secret`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-client_secret){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-client_secret } | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` |  | The OAuth2 client secret. Required if :auth_method is `:client_secret_basic`, `:client_secret_post` or `:client_secret_jwt`. Takes either a module which implements the `AshAuthentication.Secret` behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string. |
| [`trusted_audiences`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-trusted_audiences){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-trusted_audiences } | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| list(any) \| nil` |  | A list of audiences which are trusted. Takes either a module which implements the `AshAuthentication.Secret` behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string. |
| [`private_key`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-private_key){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-private_key } | `(any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` |  | The private key to use if `:auth_method` is `:private_key_jwt`. Takes either a module which implements the `AshAuthentication.Secret` behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string. |
| [`authorization_params`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-authorization_params){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-authorization_params } | `keyword` | `[]` | Any additional parameters to encode in the request phase. eg: `authorization_params scope: "openid profile email"` |
| [`registration_enabled?`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-registration_enabled?){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-registration_enabled? } | `boolean` | `true` | If enabled, new users will be able to register for your site when authenticating and not already present. If not, only existing users will be able to authenticate. |
| [`register_action_name`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-register_action_name){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-register_action_name } | `atom` |  | The name of the action to use to register a user, if `registration_enabled?` is `true`. Defaults to `register_with_<name>` See the "Registration and Sign-in" section of the strategy docs for more. |
| [`sign_in_action_name`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-sign_in_action_name){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-sign_in_action_name } | `atom` |  | The name of the action to use to sign in an existing user, if `sign_in_enabled?` is `true`. Defaults to `sign_in_with_<strategy>`, which is generated for you by default. See the "Registration and Sign-in" section of the strategy docs for more information. |
| [`identity_resource`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-identity_resource){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-identity_resource } | `module \| false` | `false` | The resource used to store user identities, or `false` to disable. See the User Identities section of the strategy docs for more. |
| [`identity_relationship_name`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-identity_relationship_name){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-identity_relationship_name } | `atom` | `:identities` | Name of the relationship to the provider identities resource |
| [`identity_relationship_user_id_attribute`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-identity_relationship_user_id_attribute){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-identity_relationship_user_id_attribute } | `atom` | `:user_id` | The name of the destination (user_id) attribute on your provider identity resource. Only necessary if you've changed the `user_id_attribute_name` option of the provider identity. |
| [`openid_configuration_uri`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-openid_configuration_uri){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-openid_configuration_uri } | `String.t` | `"/.well-known/openid-configuration"` | The URI for the OpenID provider |
| [`client_authentication_method`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-client_authentication_method){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-client_authentication_method } | `:client_secret_basic \| :client_secret_post \| :client_secret_jwt \| :private_key_jwt` | `:client_secret_basic` | The client authentication method to use. |
| [`openid_configuration`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-openid_configuration){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-openid_configuration } | `map` | `%{}` | The OpenID configuration.  If not set, the configuration will be retrieved from `openid_configuration_uri`. |
| [`id_token_signed_response_alg`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-id_token_signed_response_alg){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-id_token_signed_response_alg } | `"HS256" \| "HS384" \| "HS512" \| "RS256" \| "RS384" \| "RS512" \| "ES256" \| "ES384" \| "ES512" \| "PS256" \| "PS384" \| "PS512" \| "Ed25519" \| "Ed25519ph" \| "Ed448" \| "Ed448ph" \| "EdDSA"` | `"RS256"` | The `id_token_signed_response_alg` parameter sent by the Client during Registration. |
| [`id_token_ttl_seconds`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-id_token_ttl_seconds){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-id_token_ttl_seconds } | `nil \| pos_integer` |  | The number of seconds from `iat` that an ID Token will be considered valid. |
| [`nonce`](#authentication-strategies-oidc-nonce){: #authentication-strategies-oidc-nonce } | `boolean \| (any, any -> any) \| module \| String.t` | `true` | A function for generating the session nonce, `true` to automatically generate it with `AshAuthetnication.Strategy.Oidc.NonceGenerator`, or `false` to disable. |

### Introspection

Target: `AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2`

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