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# AshAuthentication.Strategy.Password
Strategy for authenticating using local resources as the source of truth.
In order to use password authentication your resource needs to meet the
following minimum requirements:
1. Have a primary key.
2. A uniquely constrained identity field (eg `username` or `email`).
3. A sensitive string field within which to store the hashed password.
There are other options documented in the DSL.
### Example:
defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
use Ash.Resource,
extensions: [AshAuthentication],
domain: MyApp.Accounts
attributes do
uuid_primary_key :id
attribute :email, :ci_string, allow_nil?: false
attribute :hashed_password, :string, allow_nil?: false, sensitive?: true
authentication do
strategies do
password :password do
identity_field :email
hashed_password_field :hashed_password
identities do
identity :unique_email, [:email]
## Actions
By default the password strategy will automatically generate the register,
sign-in, reset-request and reset actions for you, however you're free to
define them yourself. If you do, then the action will be validated to ensure
that all the needed configuration is present.
If you wish to work with the actions directly from your code you can do so via
the `AshAuthentication.Strategy` protocol.
### Examples:
Interacting with the actions directly:
iex> strategy = Info.strategy!(Example.User, :password)
...> {:ok, marty} = Strategy.action(strategy, :register, %{"username" => "marty", "password" => "outatime1985", "password_confirmation" => "outatime1985"})
...> marty.username |> to_string()
...> {:ok, user} = Strategy.action(strategy, :sign_in, %{"username" => "marty", "password" => "outatime1985"})
...> user.username |> to_string()
## Plugs
The password strategy provides plug endpoints for all four actions, although
only sign-in and register will be reported by `Strategy.routes/1` if the
strategy is not configured as resettable.
If you wish to work with the plugs directly, you can do so via the
`AshAuthentication.Strategy` protocol.
### Examples:
Dispatching to plugs directly:
iex> strategy = Info.strategy!(Example.User, :password)
...> conn = conn(:post, "/user/password/register", %{"user" => %{"username" => "marty", "password" => "outatime1985", "password_confirmation" => "outatime1985"}})
...> conn = Strategy.plug(strategy, :register, conn)
...> {_conn, {:ok, marty}} = Plug.Helpers.get_authentication_result(conn)
...> marty.username |> to_string()
...> conn = conn(:post, "/user/password/reset_request", %{"user" => %{"username" => "marty"}})
...> conn = Strategy.plug(strategy, :reset_request, conn)
...> {_conn, :ok} = Plug.Helpers.get_authentication_result(conn)
## Testing
See the [Testing guide](/documentation/topics/testing.md) for tips on testing resources using this strategy.
### authentication.strategies.password
password name \\ :password
Strategy for authenticating using local resources as the source of truth.
### Nested DSLs
* [resettable](#authentication-strategies-password-resettable)
### Examples
password :password do
identity_field :email
hashed_password_field :hashed_password
hash_provider AshAuthentication.BcryptProvider
confirmation_required? true
### Options
| Name | Type | Default | Docs |
| [`identity_field`](#authentication-strategies-password-identity_field){: #authentication-strategies-password-identity_field } | `atom` | `:username` | The name of the attribute which uniquely identifies the user, usually something like `username` or `email_address`. |
| [`hashed_password_field`](#authentication-strategies-password-hashed_password_field){: #authentication-strategies-password-hashed_password_field } | `atom` | `:hashed_password` | The name of the attribute within which to store the user's password once it has been hashed. |
| [`hash_provider`](#authentication-strategies-password-hash_provider){: #authentication-strategies-password-hash_provider } | `module` | `AshAuthentication.BcryptProvider` | A module which implements the `AshAuthentication.HashProvider` behaviour, to provide cryptographic hashing of passwords. |
| [`confirmation_required?`](#authentication-strategies-password-confirmation_required?){: #authentication-strategies-password-confirmation_required? } | `boolean` | `true` | Whether a password confirmation field is required when registering or changing passwords. |
| [`register_action_accept`](#authentication-strategies-password-register_action_accept){: #authentication-strategies-password-register_action_accept } | `list(atom)` | `[]` | A list of additional fields to be accepted in the register action. |
| [`password_field`](#authentication-strategies-password-password_field){: #authentication-strategies-password-password_field } | `atom` | `:password` | The name of the argument used to collect the user's password in plaintext when registering, checking or changing passwords. |
| [`password_confirmation_field`](#authentication-strategies-password-password_confirmation_field){: #authentication-strategies-password-password_confirmation_field } | `atom` | `:password_confirmation` | The name of the argument used to confirm the user's password in plaintext when registering or changing passwords. |
| [`register_action_name`](#authentication-strategies-password-register_action_name){: #authentication-strategies-password-register_action_name } | `atom` | | The name to use for the register action. Defaults to `register_with_<strategy_name>` |
| [`registration_enabled?`](#authentication-strategies-password-registration_enabled?){: #authentication-strategies-password-registration_enabled? } | `boolean` | `true` | If you do not want new users to be able to register using this strategy, set this to false. |
| [`sign_in_action_name`](#authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_action_name){: #authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_action_name } | `atom` | | The name to use for the sign in action. Defaults to `sign_in_with_<strategy_name>` |
| [`sign_in_enabled?`](#authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_enabled?){: #authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_enabled? } | `boolean` | `true` | If you do not want new users to be able to sign in using this strategy, set this to false. |
| [`sign_in_tokens_enabled?`](#authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_tokens_enabled?){: #authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_tokens_enabled? } | `boolean` | `true` | Whether or not to support generating short lived sign in tokens. Requires the resource to have tokens enabled. |
| [`sign_in_token_lifetime`](#authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_token_lifetime){: #authentication-strategies-password-sign_in_token_lifetime } | `pos_integer \| {pos_integer, :days \| :hours \| :minutes \| :seconds}` | `{60, :seconds}` | A lifetime for which a generated sign in token will be valid, if `sign_in_tokens_enabled?`. Unit defaults to `:seconds`. |
| [`require_confirmed_with`](#authentication-strategies-password-require_confirmed_with){: #authentication-strategies-password-require_confirmed_with } | `atom \| nil` | | Whether a new account must be confirmed in order to log in. |
### authentication.strategies.password.resettable
Configure password reset options for the resource
### Options
| Name | Type | Default | Docs |
| [`sender`](#authentication-strategies-password-resettable-sender){: #authentication-strategies-password-resettable-sender .spark-required} | `(any, any, any -> any) \| module` | | The sender to use when sending password reset instructions. |
| [`token_lifetime`](#authentication-strategies-password-resettable-token_lifetime){: #authentication-strategies-password-resettable-token_lifetime } | `pos_integer \| {pos_integer, :days \| :hours \| :minutes \| :seconds}` | `{3, :days}` | How long should the reset token be valid. If no unit is provided `:hours` is assumed. |
| [`request_password_reset_action_name`](#authentication-strategies-password-resettable-request_password_reset_action_name){: #authentication-strategies-password-resettable-request_password_reset_action_name } | `atom` | | The name to use for the action which generates a password reset token. Defaults to `request_password_reset_with_<strategy_name>`. |
| [`password_reset_action_name`](#authentication-strategies-password-resettable-password_reset_action_name){: #authentication-strategies-password-resettable-password_reset_action_name } | `atom` | | The name to use for the action which actually resets the user's password. Defaults to `password_reset_with_<strategy_name>`. |
### Introspection
Target: `AshAuthentication.Strategy.Password.Resettable`
### Introspection
Target: `AshAuthentication.Strategy.Password`
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