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# DSL: AshDoubleEntry.Account
An extension for creating a double entry ledger account. See the getting started guide for more.
## account
### Options
| Name | Type | Default | Docs |
| [`transfer_resource`](#account-transfer_resource){: #account-transfer_resource .spark-required} | `module` | | The resource used for transfers |
| [`balance_resource`](#account-balance_resource){: #account-balance_resource .spark-required} | `module` | | The resource used for balances |
| [`open_action_accept`](#account-open_action_accept){: #account-open_action_accept } | `list(atom)` | `[]` | A list of extra attributes to be accepted by the open action. The `identifier` and `currency` attributes are always accepted. |
| [`pre_check_identities_with`](#account-pre_check_identities_with){: #account-pre_check_identities_with } | `module` | | A domain to use to precheck generated identities. Required by certain data layers. |
<style type="text/css">.spark-required::after { content: "*"; color: red !important; }</style>