# AshGeo
### *All your Ash resources, in space!*
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**AshGeo** contains tools for using [PostGIS] with your [Ash] resources and
expressions, backed by [Geo] and [Geo.PostGIS].
It provides:
- All the `st_*` functions that you would get with `Geo.PostGIS` for use with
Ash [`expr`][Ash expressions], and [more to come](#roadmap).
- An `Ash.Type` backed by each of `Geo.JSON`, `Geo.WKB` and `Geo.WKT` which may
be used as `argument` types in your Ash actions, and will automatically cast
input from GeoJSON, WKT and WKB encodings.
- An `Ash.Type` for `Geo.PostGIS.Geometry`, for use with resource attributes.
- All types may be overridden and narrowed with `use`, allowing you to add
stricter constraints and storage types (e.g. `geometry(Point,26918)`).
- Validations for `Geo` types (such as `is_point_zm(:arg)` for checking that
argument `:arg` is a instance of `Geo.PointZM`)
- Validations backed by `Topo`, allowing checks of simple constraints such as
`contains?` without needing to hit the database.
## Installation
def deps do
{:ash_geo, "~> 0.1"},
## Configuration
### `config/config.exs`:
# Geo.PostGIS: Use Jason coder
config :geo_postgis, json_library: Jason
# Ash: Type shorthands
config :ash, :custom_types, [
geometry: AshGeo.Geometry,
geo_json: AshGeo.GeoJson,
geo_wkt: AshGeo.GeoWkt,
geo_wkb: AshGeo.GeoWkb,
geo_any: AshGeo.GeoAny,
# You may add shorthands for any narrowed types here
#point26918: CoolApp.Type.GeometryPoint26918,
### `config/runtime.exs`:
# Postgrex: Geo.PostGIS types
[Geo.PostGIS.Extension] ++ Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.extensions(),
json: Jason)
# Ecto: Geo.PostGIS types
config :cool_app, CoolApp.Repo, types: CoolApp.PostgresTypes
## Usage
defmodule Area do
use Ash.Resource, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
import AshGeo.Expr
attributes do
uuid_primary_key :id,
attribute :geom, :geometry, allow_nil?: false
actions do
action :create do
argument :geom, :geo_any
change set_attribute(:geom, arg(:geom))
read :containing do
argument :geom, :geo_any do
allow_nil? false
constraints geo_types: :point
filter expr(^st_within(^arg(:geom), geom))
code_interface do
define_for Area
define :create, args: [:geom]
define :containing, args: [:geom]
Try it out:
Area.create! "POLYGON ((30 0, 20 30, 0 10, 30 0))"
Area.create! "POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))"
Area.containing! "POINT(30 30)"
Area.containing! "POINT(20 20)"
Area.containing! "POINT(10 40)"
Area.containing! "POLYGON((0 0, 30 20, 40 30, 0 0))"
The full documentation can be found [on HexDocs].
## Roadmap
- Add more PostGIS function wrappers (check out the [PostGIS reference] to see
all that are available).
- Continue to improve the test suite.
- Replace validation macros with Spark DSL patches or similar.
- Replace PostGIS `fragment` macros with custom predicates
- Add more informative error messages
## Developing
To get set up with the development environment, you will need a Postgres
instance with support for the PostGIS extensions listed in
`test/support/repo.ex` (the [`postgis/postgis`][postgis image] image works
nicely) and a superuser account `ash_geo_test` credentialed according to
**AshGeo** uses `ex_check` to bundle the test configuration, and simply running
`mix check` should closely follow the configuration used in CI.
## Contributing
If you have ideas or come across any bugs, feel free to open a [pull request] or
an [issue]. You can also find me on the [Ash
Discord](https://discord.gg/D7FNG2q) as `@\`.
## License
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 [bcksl]
See [LICENSE.md] for details.
[bcksl]: https://github.com/bcksl
[LICENSE.md]: https://github.com/bcksl/ash_geo/blob/main/LICENSE.md
[pull request]: https://github.com/bcksl/ash_geo/pulls
[issue]: https://github.com/bcksl/ash_geo/issues
[on HexDocs]: https://hexdocs.pm/ash_geo
[PostGIS]: https://postgis.net/
[PostGIS reference]: https://postgis.net/docs/reference.html
[postgis image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/postgis/postgis
[Geo]: https://github.com/bryanjos/geo
[Geo.PostGIS]: https://github.com/bryanjos/geo_postgis
[Ash]: https://github.com/ash-project/ash
[Ash expressions]: https://hexdocs.pm/ash/expressions.html