
defmodule AshGraphql.Api do
  @graphql %Spark.Dsl.Section{
    name: :graphql,
    describe: """
    Global configuration for graphql
    examples: [
      graphql do
        authorize? false # To skip authorization for this API
    schema: [
      authorize?: [
        type: :boolean,
        doc: "Whether or not to perform authorization for this API",
        default: true
      tracer: [
        type: :atom,
          "A tracer to use to trace execution in the graphql. Will use `config :ash, :tracer` if it is set."
      root_level_errors?: [
        type: :boolean,
        default: false,
          "By default, mutation errors are shown in their result object's errors key, but this setting places those errors in the top level errors list"
      error_handler: [
        type: :mfa,
        default: {AshGraphql.DefaultErrorHandler, :handle_error, []},
        doc: """
        Set an MFA to intercept/handle any errors that are generated.
      show_raised_errors?: [
        type: :boolean,
        default: false,
          "For security purposes, if an error is *raised* then Ash simply shows a generic error. If you want to show those errors, set this to true."
      debug?: [
        type: :boolean,
        doc: "Whether or not to log (extremely verbose) debug information",
        default: false

  @sections [@graphql]

  @moduledoc """
  The entrypoint for adding graphql behavior to an Ash API

  require Ash.Api.Info

  use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: @sections

  @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Api.Info.authorize?/1`"
  defdelegate authorize?(api), to: AshGraphql.Api.Info

  @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Api.Info.root_level_errors?/1`"
  defdelegate root_level_errors?(api), to: AshGraphql.Api.Info

  @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Api.Info.show_raised_errors?/1`"
  defdelegate show_raised_errors?(api), to: AshGraphql.Api.Info

  @deprecated "See `AshGraphql.Api.Info.debug?/1`"
  defdelegate debug?(api), to: AshGraphql.Api.Info

  @doc false
  def queries(api, resources, action_middleware, schema) do
    Enum.flat_map(resources, &AshGraphql.Resource.queries(api, &1, action_middleware, schema))

  @doc false
  def mutations(api, resources, action_middleware, schema) do
    |> Enum.filter(fn resource ->
      AshGraphql.Resource in Spark.extensions(resource)
    |> Enum.flat_map(&AshGraphql.Resource.mutations(api, &1, action_middleware, schema))

  @doc false
  def type_definitions(api, resources, schema, env, first?) do
    resource_types =
      |> Enum.reject(&Ash.Resource.Info.embedded?/1)
      |> Enum.flat_map(fn resource ->
        if AshGraphql.Resource in Spark.extensions(resource) &&
             AshGraphql.Resource.Info.type(resource) do
          AshGraphql.Resource.type_definitions(resource, api, schema) ++
            AshGraphql.Resource.mutation_types(resource, schema)
          AshGraphql.Resource.no_graphql_types(resource, schema)

    if first? do
          description: "A relay node",
          name: "Node",
          fields: [
              description: "A unique identifier",
              identifier: :id,
              module: schema,
              name: "id",
              __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
              type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :id}
          identifier: :node,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          module: schema
          description: "A relay page info",
          name: "PageInfo",
          fields: [
              description: "When paginating backwards, are there more items?",
              identifier: :has_previous_page,
              module: schema,
              name: "has_previous_page",
              __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
              type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :boolean}
              description: "When paginating forwards, are there more items?",
              identifier: :has_next_page,
              module: schema,
              name: "has_next_page",
              __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
              type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.NonNull{of_type: :boolean}
              description: "When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue",
              identifier: :start_cursor,
              module: schema,
              name: "start_cursor",
              __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
              type: :string
              description: "When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue",
              identifier: :end_cursor,
              module: schema,
              name: "end_cursor",
              __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
              type: :string
            # 'count' field is not compatible with keyset pagination
          identifier: :page_info,
          module: schema,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env)
      ] ++ resource_types

  def global_type_definitions(schema, env) do
    [mutation_error(schema, env), sort_order(schema, env)]

  defp sort_order(schema, env) do
      module: schema,
      name: "SortOrder",
      values: [
          module: schema,
          identifier: :desc,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          name: "DESC",
          value: :desc
          module: schema,
          identifier: :desc_nils_first,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          name: "DESC_NULLS_FIRST",
          value: :des_nils_first
          module: schema,
          identifier: :desc_nils_last,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          name: "DESC_NULLS_LAST",
          value: :desc_nils_last
          module: schema,
          identifier: :asc,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          name: "ASC",
          value: :asc
          module: schema,
          identifier: :asc_nils_first,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          name: "ASC_NULLS_FIRST",
          value: :asc_nils_first
          module: schema,
          identifier: :asc_nils_last,
          __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
          name: "ASC_NULLS_LAST",
          value: :asc_nils_last
      identifier: :sort_order,
      __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env)

  defp mutation_error(schema, env) do
      description: "An error generated by a failed mutation",
      fields: error_fields(schema, env),
      identifier: :mutation_error,
      module: schema,
      name: "MutationError",
      __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env)

  defp error_fields(schema, env) do
        description: "The human readable error message",
        identifier: :message,
        module: schema,
        __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
        name: "message",
        type: :string
        description: "A shorter error message, with vars not replaced",
        identifier: :short_message,
        module: schema,
        __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
        name: "short_message",
        type: :string
        description: "Replacements for the short message",
        identifier: :vars,
        module: schema,
        __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
        name: "vars",
        type: :json
        description: "An error code for the given error",
        identifier: :code,
        module: schema,
        __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
        name: "code",
        type: :string
        description: "The field or fields that produced the error",
        identifier: :fields,
        module: schema,
        __reference__: AshGraphql.Resource.ref(env),
        name: "fields",
        type: %Absinthe.Blueprint.TypeReference.List{
          of_type: :string