
defmodule AshGraphql.Resource.Query do
  @moduledoc "Represents a configured query on a resource"
  defstruct [
    as_mutation?: false,
    metadata_names: [],
    metadata_types: [],
    show_metadata: nil,
    type_name: nil,
    relay?: false

  @query_schema [
    name: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: "The name to use for the query.",
      default: :get
    action: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: "The action to use for the query.",
      required: true
    type_name: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: """
      Override the type name returned by this query. Must be set if the read action has `metadata` that is not hidden via the `show_metadata` key.
    metadata_names: [
      type: :keyword_list,
      default: [],
      doc: "Name overrides for metadata fields on the read action."
    metadata_types: [
      type: :keyword_list,
      default: [],
      doc: "Type overrides for metadata fields on the read action."
    show_metadata: [
      type: {:list, :atom},
      doc: "The metadata attributes to show. Defaults to all."
    as_mutation?: [
      type: :boolean,
      default: false,
      doc: """
      Places the query in the `mutations` key instead. Not typically necessary, but is often paired with `as_mutation?`. See the [the guide](/documentation/topics/modifying-the-resolution.html) for more.

  @get_schema [
                identity: [
                  type: :atom,
                    "The identity to use for looking up the record. Pass `false` to not use an identity.",
                  required: false
                allow_nil?: [
                  type: :boolean,
                  default: true,
                  doc: "Whether or not the action can return nil."
                modify_resolution: [
                  type: :mfa,
                  doc: """
                  An MFA that will be called with the resolution, the query, and the result of the action as the first three arguments. See the [the guide](/documentation/topics/modifying-the-resolution.html) for more.
              |> Spark.OptionsHelpers.merge_schemas(@query_schema, "Shared Query Options")

  @read_one_schema [
                     allow_nil?: [
                       type: :boolean,
                       default: true,
                       doc: "Whether or not the action can return nil."
                   |> Spark.OptionsHelpers.merge_schemas(@query_schema, "Shared Query Options")

  @list_schema [
                 relay?: [
                   type: :boolean,
                   default: false,
                   doc: """
                   If true, the graphql queries/resolvers for this resource will be built to honor the relay specification. See [the relay guide](/documentation/topics/relay.html) for more.
               |> Spark.OptionsHelpers.merge_schemas(@query_schema, "Shared Query Options")

  def get_schema, do: @get_schema
  def read_one_schema, do: @read_one_schema
  def list_schema, do: @list_schema