# AshJason
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Ash resource extension for implementing Jason.Encoder protocol.
## Installation
Add to the deps, get deps (`mix deps.get`), compile them (`mix deps.compile`).
def deps do
{:ash_jason, "~> 0.3.0"},
## Usage
Add `AshJason.Extension` to `extensions` list in `use Ash.Resource`:
defmodule Example.Resource do
use Ash.Resource,
extensions: [Ash.ULID.Extension]
### Configuration
The process to get data for json happens with three steps:
- Pick keys from a record.
- Merge some fixed values.
- Customize a result.
By default only first step happens and it picks all non-private fields (attributes, relationships, aggregates,
calculations) with loaded non-nil values.
For configuration there is an optional `jason` dsl section:
defmodule Example.Resource do
use Ash.Resource,
extensions: [Ash.ULID.Extension]
jason do
# options
#### pick
Keys to pick from a record and include in json.
Values of `nil`/`Ash.NotLoaded`/`Ash.NotSelected` are omitted.
Can be specified as a fixed explicit list of keys or a map with a configuration of default behaviour.
Map can have such options as:
- `private?` - Whenever to pick private fields.
- `sensitive?` - Whenever to pick sensitive fields.
- `include` - Keys to pick. In addition to fields.
- `exclude` - Keys not to pick.
jason do
# Pick only those listed keys
pick [:only_some_field]
# Pick non-sensitive fields
pick %{private?: true}
# Pick non-private fields
pick %{sensitive?: true}
# Pick all fields
pick %{private?: true, sensitive?: true}
# Pick usual but include and exclude some specific keys
pick %{include: [:ok_private_field], exclude: [:irrelevant_public_field]}
#### merge
A map to merge into json.
jason do
merge %{merged_key: "merged_value"}
#### customize
A function to customize json.
Receives a current resulted json map and a source resource record.
Returns a modified json map.
jason do
customize fn result, _record ->
result |> Map.put(:custom_key, "custom_value")
## Links
[`Jason` docs](https://hexdocs.pm/jason).