# AshOutstanding
Ash resource extension for implementing `Outstanding` protocol, which by default is deliberately not implemented for custom structs.
Implementing Outstanding on your Ash Resources is useful when you have an expected / actual twin, and want to establish whether/which expectations are outstanding given actual.
This is a powerful concept, particularly as expectations are declarations of intent, and we want to separate the concerns of whether we've sufficiently met our expectations from how to deal with what is outstanding. Ash itself is highly declarative, creating and exploiting Spark DSL.
This extension employs Spark DSL to allow you to declare how your Ash Resource should implement Outstanding.
## Installation
Add to the deps:
def deps do
{:ash_outstanding, "~> 0.1.0"},
## Usage
Add `AshOutstanding.Resource` to `extensions` list within `use Ash.Resource` options:
defmodule Example.Resource do
use Ash.Resource,
extensions: [AshOutstanding.Resource]
### Configuration
Generally you will want to configure your Ash Resource so that outstanding?(expected, actual) is true when the essentials of your Ash Resource are satisfied. This may align to expecting actual to sufficiently attributes which are mandatory and/or fundamental to Ash identities. These attributes are configured using the expect list.
- expect, provide list of Ash Record fields which can have have expectations
Here is an example `outstanding` dsl section, which configures a Specification resource so that we can set expectations on any or all of the values of keys :name, :major_version and :version while ignoring other fields in the expected/actual resource.
When nil_outstanding?(expected, actual) is true, outstanding(expected, actual) returns nil
When nil_outstanding?(expected, actual) is false, outstanding(expected, actual) returns a struct of your Ash Record with just the unmet expectations.
defmodule Specification.Resource do
use Ash.Resource,
extensions: [AshOutstanding.Resource]
outstanding do
expect [:name, :major_version, :version]
## Using Outstanding on your resource
We don't need to set all of the expectations, by default a missing expectation or explict nil means we have no expectation (so nothing will be outstanding)
In the following example we require the access specification to be major version 2. We don't match version as we aren't concerned with minor or trival versions.
use Outstand
expected = %Specification.Resource{name: access, major_version: 2}
actual = %Specification.Resource{name: access, major_version: 1}
expected >>> actual
expected --- actual
%Specification.Resource{major_version: 2}
If we are happy with either major_version: 1 or 2, we can use a range
use Outstand
expected = %Specification.Resource{name: access, major_version: 1..2}
actual = %Specification.Resource{name: access, major_version: 1}
expected >>> actual
expected --- actual
Outstanding supports regex, here we use a regex to expect version: is at least v1.1
We don't need an expectation on major version.
use Outstand
expected = %Specification.Resource{name: access, version: ~r/v1.1/}
actual = %Specification.Resource{name: access, version: v1.1.17}
expected >>> actual
expected --- actual
Outstanding supports expected functions. Arity 1 and 2 expected functions use actual as a parameter. Arity 2 expected functions take an argument list, and this can be a list of 'prototype' expected resources used in an Outstand or your own expected function.
You may need to ensure your expected/actual Ash Resources are appropriately loaded, depending on what key/values you expect.
## Customize
A dsl option is provided which will insert a custom arity 3 function into the outstanding pipeline.
Below customize is used to ensure that outstanding is enriched with expected.id
defmodule Specification.Resource do
use Ash.Resource,
extensions: [AshOutstanding.Resource]
outstanding do
expect [:name, :major_version, :version]
customize fn outstanding, expected, _actual ->
case outstanding do
nil ->
%_{} ->
|> Map.put(:id, expected.id)
## Acknowledgements
Thanks to [Dmitry Maganov](https://github.com/vonagam) for [ash_jason](https://github.com/vonagam/ash_jason) which was an exemplar.
Kudos to the [Ash Core](https://github.com/ash-project) for [ash](https://github.com/ash-project/ash) 🚀
## Links
[`Outstanding` docs](https://hexdocs.pm/outstanding/).