
defmodule AshPaperTrail.Resource.BelongsToActor do
  @moduledoc "Represents a belongs_to_actor relationship on a version resource"

  defstruct [

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          allow_nil?: boolean,
          api: atom,
          attribute_type: term,
          destination: Ash.Resource.t(),
          define_attribute?: boolean,
          name: atom

  @schema [
    name: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: "The name of the relationship to use for the actor (e.g. :user)",
      required: true
    allow_nil?: [
      type: :boolean,
      default: true,
        "Whether this relationship must always be present, e.g: must be included on creation, and never removed (it may be modified). The generated attribute will not allow nil values."
    api: [
      type: :atom,
      doc: """
      The API module to use when working with the related entity.
    attribute_type: [
      type: :any,
      default: Application.compile_env(:ash, :default_belongs_to_type, :uuid),
      doc: "The type of the generated created attribute. See `Ash.Type` for more."
    define_attribute?: [
      type: :boolean,
      default: true,
        "If set to `false` an attribute is not created on the resource for this relationship, and one must be manually added in `attributes`, invalidating many other options."
    destination: [
      type: Ash.OptionsHelpers.ash_resource(),
      doc: "The resource of the actor (e.g. MyApp.Users.User)"

  @doc false
  def schema, do: @schema