# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits](Https:// for commit guidelines.

<!-- changelog -->

## [v2.0.5]( (2024-05-24)

### Improvements:

- [idenities] update `ash` and support new `identity` features

## [v2.0.4]( (2024-05-23)

### Bug Fixes:

[updates] ensure update's reselect all changing values

## [v2.0.3]( (2024-05-22)

### Bug Fixes:

[updates] handle complex maps/list on update

[Ash.Query] support anonymous aggregates in sorts

[exists] ensure parent_as bindings properly reference binding names

[migration generator] add and remove custom indexes in tandem properly

### Improvements:

[references] support `on_delete: :nilify` for specific columns (#289)

## [v2.0.2]( (2024-05-15)

### Bug Fixes:

- [update_query/destroy_query] rework the update and destroy query builder to support multiple kinds of joining

- [mix ash_postgres.migrate] remove duplicate repo flags (#285)

- [Ash.Error.Changes.StaleRecord] ensure filter is included in stale record error messages we return

- [AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator] properly parse previous version from migration generation

## [v2.0.1]( (2024-05-12)

### Bug Fixes:

- [AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator] properly parse previous version of custom extensions when generating migrations

## [v2.0.0](

The changelog is starting over. Please see `/documentation/` in GitHub for previous changelogs.

### Breaking Changes:

- [Ash.Type.UUID] change defaults in migrations for uuids to `gen_random_uuid()`
- [Ash.Type.DateTime] Use UTC for default generated timestamps (#131)
- [AshPostgres.DataLayer] must now know the min_pg_version that will be used. By default we check this at repo startup by asking the database, but you can also define it yourself.
- [AshPostgres.DataLayer] Now requires postgres version 14 or higher

### Features:

- [AshPostgres.Timestamptz] add timestamptz types (#266)
- [AshPostgres.Repo] add `create?` and `drop?` callbacks to `AshPostgres.Repo` (#143)
- [AshPostgres.DataLayer] support `c:AshDataLayer.calculate/3` capability

### Bug Fixes:

- [AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator] honor dry_run option in extension migrations
- [AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator] don't wait for shell input when checking migrations
- [AshPostgres.DataLayer] ensure limit/offset triggers joining for update/destroy query
- [AshPostgres.DataLayer] properly honor `limit` in bulk operations
- [AshPostgres.DataLayer] ensure that `exists` with a filter paired with `from_many?` functions properly

### Improvements:

- [AshPostgres.Repo] warn on missing ash-functions at compile time
- [AshPostgres.Repo] add default implementation for pg_version, and rename to `min_pg_version`
- [mix ash.rollback] support `mix ash.rollback` with interactive rollback
- [AshSql] move many internals out to `AshSql` package to be shared