# AshUlid

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`Ash.Type` implementation for [ULID](

Consists of three modules:

- `AshUlid` - utility functions to generate ULIDs.
- `AshUlid.Type` - `Ash.Type` implementation.
- `AshUlid.Resource` - resource extension with `ulid_primary_key` shortcut.

## Installation

Add to the deps, get deps (`mix deps.get`), compile them (`mix deps.compile`).

def deps do
    {:ash_ulid, "~> 1.0.0"},

## Usage

### Primary key

To use as a primary key in `Ash.Resource` it is recommended to add `AshUlid.Resource` extension that provides `ulid_primary_key`:

defmodule Example.Resource do
  use Ash.Resource,
    extensions: [AshUlid.Resource]

  attributes do
    ulid_primary_key :id

Which is a shortcut for this:

uuid_primary_key :id, type: AshUlid.Type, default: &AshUlid.generate/0

To prevent formatter from adding parens to `ulid_primary_key` add `:ash_ulid` to `import_deps` in `.formatter.exs`.

If you plan to use ULID as a main type for primary keys it makes sense to set it as `default_belongs_to_type` in a config:

config :ash, default_belongs_to_type: AshUlid.Type

### Attribute type

`AshUlid.Type` can be registered under `ulid` name in a config:
config :ash, custom_types: [ulid: AshUlid.Type]

And then used like this:
defmodule Example.Another do
  use Ash.Resource

  attributes do
    attribute :key, :ulid

  relationships do
    belongs_to :resource, Example.Resource, attribute_type: :ulid

Without an alias it is the same, just replace `:ulid` with `AshUlid.Type`.

If `default_belongs_to_type` is set then `attribute_type: :ulid` in this example is not needed.

### Generate

To generate ULID call `AshUlid.generate/0` or `AshUlid.generate/1` with a specific timestamp.

## References

ULID spec can be found [here](

The work is mostly based on [`Ecto.ULID`](