## Installation
def deps do
{:ash_uuid, "~> 0.8.0-rc.1"},
## Adoption
- add `{:ash_uuid, "~> 0.8.0-rc.1"}`` to your `mix.exs`` project deps;
- add `AshUUID.PostgresExtension`` to your app Repo's installed_extensions and set AshUUID config `migration_default?: true` if Postgres-side UUIDs generation is needed;
- use the extension in your resources `use Ash.Resource, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer, extensions: [AshUUID]`;
- simply use that for your fields `uuid_attribute :id`.
## Configuration
### `lib/myapp/repo.ex`:
Using the PostgresExtension allows postgres-side uuid-v7 generation.
# App: Postgres migration defaults, not required
defmodule Myapp.Repo do
use AshPostgres.Repo, otp_app: :myapp
@impl AshPostgres.Repo
def installed_extensions do
["ash-functions", "uuid-ossp", "citext", AshUUID.PostgresExtension]
### `config/config.exs`:
# AshUUID: Your otp_app name, required!
config :ash_uuid, :otp_app, :myapp
# Myapp: Customized defaults, not required
config :myapp, :ash_uuid,
version: 7, # default
encoded?: true, # default
prefixed?: true, # default
migration_default?: true, # default to false
strict?: true # default to true
# Ash: Type shorthands, not required
config :ash, :custom_types, uuid: AshUUID.UUID
# Ash: Default belongs_to type, not required
config :ash, :default_belongs_to_type, AshUUID.UUID
## Usage
defmodule Pineapple do
use Ash.Resource, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer, extensions: [AshUUID]
code_interface do
define_for Area
postgres do
table "pineapples"
repo MyApp.Repo
attributes do
uuid_attribute :id, prefix: "pnp"
create_timestamp :inserted_at
actions do
defaults [:create, :read, :update]
The full documentation can be found [on HexDocs].
## Roadmap
## Developing
To get set up with the development environment, you will need a Postgres
instance and an environment variable DATABASE_URL according to `config/config.exs`.
You may now generate and apply the test migrations:
mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations
mix ash_postgres.create
mix ash_postgres.migrate
mix test
**AshUUID** uses `ex_check` to bundle the test configuration, and simply running
`mix check` should closely follow the configuration used in CI.
## Contributing
If you have ideas or come across any bugs, feel free to open a [pull request] or
an [issue]. You can also find me on the [Ash Discord](https://discord.gg/D7FNG2q) as `@moissela`.
## License
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 [Alessio Montagnani]
See [LICENSE.md] for details.
[Alessio Montagnani]: https://github.com/moissela
[LICENSE.md]: https://github.com/zoonect-oss/ash_uuid/blob/main/LICENSE.md
[pull request]: https://github.com/zoonect-oss/ash_uuid/pulls
[issue]: https://github.com/zoonect-oss/ash_uuid/issues
[on HexDocs]: https://hexdocs.pm/ash_uuid