# AtomicMap

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A small utility to convert deep Elixir maps with mixed string/atom keys to atom-only keyed maps. Optionally with a safe option, to prevent [atom space exhaustion of the Erlang VM](

## Usage

iex> AtomicMap.convert(%{"a" => 2, "b" => %{"c" => 4}}, safe: true)
%{a: 2, b: %{c: 4}}

iex> AtomicMap.convert([ %{"c" => 1}, %{:c => 2}, %{"c" => %{:b => 4}}], safe: true]
[%{c: 1}, %{c: 2}, %{c: %{b: 4}}]

iex> AtomicMap.convert(%{ "a" => [ %{"c" => 1}, %{"c" => 2}] }, safe: true]
%{a: [%{c: 1}, %{c: 2}] }


## Installation
  1. Add atomic_map to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:atomic_map, "~> 0.8"}]

## Todo:
  - maybe allow direct conversion to a struct, like Poison does it: as: %SomeStruct{}...