<div align="center">
# `auth`
A ***complete authentication solution*** for **Phoenix** Apps/APIs
you can setup in ***5 minutes***.
<!-- uncomment when service is working ...

## Why?
Letting people authenticate is *essential* any time
there is _personalized_ content/functionality to display.<br />
We needed an *easy* way of doing Login/Authentication for our projects
that we could drop into any project <br />
and be up-and-running in _minutes_
without worrying about complexity or maintenance.
After much research, investigation and development,
we created **`Auth`**;
a re-useable "starter pack"
for _all_ our Auth needs. <br />
### What's In It For Me?
As a developer, _using_ this App you can _rest assured_ that:
+ [x] **All code** for **authentication** in _your_ app
is **nicely contained & organized** in a ***single place***.
+ [x] An order of magnitude less code than any other auth system
and all code is ***well documented, tested & maintained***.
+ [x] Whenever there is an update in the underlying modules (_dependencies_)
we **update** and throughly tested in a ***timely manner***.
+ [x] All ***personally identifiable information*** is securely stored
in a logically separate place from your main application
so you have extra security.
+ [x] You only have to **update _one_ thing**
and your app continues to work as expected.
## What?
Login for Elixir/Phoenix Apps/APIs which gives you a set of routes
and a predictable usage pattern.
### What Can People Use to Authenticate?
+ **Email+Password** - Email and Password (_enabled by default_)
+ **GitHub** - Allow people to login with their GitHub Account using OAuth2
+ **Google** - Let people authenticate with the most popular auth system!
<!-- this section needs to be re-worded ... or removed!
### _Tested_
Our *objective* is to **_extensively_ test every aspect** of this package
so that we can *rely* on it for our *high-traffic/security* projects.
If you spot _any_ area for improvement, please create an issue:
https://github.com/dwyl/auth/issues (_thanks!_)
### Email Verification
Email is _still_ the _dominant_ way we communicate with people on the web.
Once the person has authenticated using their preferred method,
send them an email to verify their "account". <br />
This acts as a "double-opt-in" and ensures that our app is _able_
to contact the person in the future. <br />
e.g: to reset a password or send an update/notification.
#### Why Email?
We don't think "Auth" _can_ be done without _some_ form of verification. <br />
We could send SMS or "Native" Notifications but both _cost more_ than email.
# How?
As the description suggests, this module is built for apps built with the
[**Phoenix**](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-phoenix-framework) web framework.
If you or *anyone* on your team are new to Phoenix, we
have an **introductory tutorial**:
## 5 Minute 5 Step Setup
### 1. Clone the project:
git clone git@github.com:dwyl/auth.git && cd auth
### 2. Install dependencies:
mix deps.get && npm install --prefix assets
### 3. Environment Variables
The Auth App checks for the presence of
_specific **Environment Variables**_
to enable each authentication provider.
> If you are totally new to Environment Variables,
see: [github.com/dwyl/**learn-environment-variables**](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-environment-variables)
An authentication provider (_endpoint_) will only work
if the Environment Variable(s) for that service are present.
If you want to enable a specific 3rd Party Authentication service,
simply ensure that the relevant Environment Variables are defined.
#### Google Auth
To enable Google Auth
you will need to have two Environment Variables set:
To *get* these Environment Variables,
You will need to create an App on https://console.developers.google.com
and get your `CLIENT_ID` & `CLIENT_SECRET`.
Full instructions to create your Google Auth App:
#### GitHub Auth
Similarly, for GitHub Auth,
you will need to have these environment variables:
export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=CreateGitHubApp
Full instructions to create your GitHub App:
#### Full List of Environment Variables
For the _full_ list of environment variables
the `Auth` App expects, see:
For completing the setup of the `Auth` App,
you will need to have the `ADMIN_EMAIL`
environment variable defined. <br />
And for sending emails you will need the
### 4. Create and migrate your database:
> Ensure that PostgreSQL is running
on your localhost before you
run this command.
mix ecto.setup
### 5. Start Phoenix App
mix phoenix.server
**Note**: It may take a minute to compile the app the first time. ⏳
Once the Phoenix App is compiled/running,
you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.
<br />
### Dependencies
This project builds on the _fantastic_ work done _many_
people in the Elixir/Phoenix community.
+ Phoenix default session handling
(_so your app handles sessions for authenticated users the same way
the example apps in all the Phoenix docs_)
+ GitHub OAuth2 Authentication: <https://github.com/dwyl/elixir-auth-github>
+ Google OAuth Authentication: <https://github.com/dwyl/elixir-auth-google>
<br />
### Email + Password Registration / Login
This diagram depicts the flow:
<img width="1470" alt="registration-login-email-password-flow-diagram" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/194400/81224631-e8891b80-8fdf-11ea-8e75-e3751d407b38.png">
[Edit this diagram](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PUKzbRQOEgHaOmaEheU7T3AHQhRT8mhGuqVKotEJkM0/edit#slide=id.g7745f61495_0_0)
### Email
When people register with their `email` address
or authenticate with a 3rd party Authentication provider (e.g: Google),
an email is sent to the `email` address welcoming them.
The `Auth` App uses an external email service
for sending emails:

[Edit this diagram](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PUKzbRQOEgHaOmaEheU7T3AHQhRT8mhGuqVKotEJkM0/edit#slide=id.g71eb641cbd_0_0)
The Email app provides a simplified interface for sending emails
that ensures our main App can focus on it's core functionality.
<br /> <br />
## Frequently Asked/Answered Questions
### Why NOT Use a Service Like Auth0, Cognito, Stormpath, etc?
There are _several_ "Authentication-as-a-Service" providers
which promise to solve all your auth worries with a few clicks.
They are _fine_ for people/projects who _don't_ mind
sending personally identifiable information to a 3rd party service.
We care about privacy so we _have_ to know _exactly_ where
the login details (_Email Address, Name, etc._) of people _using_
our apps is _stored_.
If you prefer to use (_and pay for_)
one of the existing
["black box"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_box)
and "not have to think about auth" then go for it!
_This_ repo/project is for people who _do_ want to think about auth,
want to _know_ where sensitive data is stored and want to
be able to extend the code if they choose to.
### Phoenix Has a Session System, Does this _Use_ It?
Phoenix has a built-in mechanism for sessions:
This project _uses_ and _extends_ it to support several 3rd party auth services.
## Background Reading
If you are new to Authentication,
we recommend checkout out these great resources
+ Auth Boss: <https://github.com/teesloane/Auth-Boss>
+ Introduction to OAuth2: <https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduction-to-oauth-2>