# Auth0Ex

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> An elixir client library for Auth0

## Installation

You can install the stable version from hex:

def deps do
[{:auth0_ex, "~> 0.6"}]

You can use github repo as your package source to use the latest source code but beware it might have breaking and unstable code:

def deps do
  [{:auth0_ex, github: "techgaun/auth0_ex"}]
## Configuration

Add a configuration block like below:

- First option is to use management api client.

You can create non-interactive client for management api as described [HERE](
Once you do that, you should be able to grab client ID and client secret from the setting page for use with Auth0Ex.
This is a recommended setup as Auth0Ex can recreate new `access_token` when the current one expires.

config :auth0_ex,
  domain: System.get_env("AUTH0_DOMAIN"),
  mgmt_client_id: System.get_env("AUTH0_MGMT_CLIENT_ID"),
  mgmt_client_secret: System.get_env("AUTH0_MGMT_CLIENT_SECRET"),
  http_opts: []

- Second option is to use pre-created token with access to management API.

config :auth0_ex,
  domain: System.get_env("AUTH0_DOMAIN"),
  mgmt_token: System.get_env("AUTH0_MGMT_TOKEN"),
  http_opts: []

### Notes

- The v2 `search_engine` API is being deprecated by Auth0. User queries now specify `search_engine=v3` by default. If for some reason you need the `v2` engine you can set `v2_search: true` in your config block.
- if you use pre-created management token, it will always be used for your requests.
- `AUTH0_DOMAIN` should be entire tenant domain Auth0 provides. We fall back to adding `` right now but that will be removed in future version. This allows us to use `Auth0Ex` in all tenant regions unlike the previous versions.
- If you don't want `` to be added, you can set `config :auth0_ex, custom_domain: true`

Export appropriate environment variable and you should be all set.

Please refer to the [documentation]( for more details.

### Authentication API

In addition to the management API resources, there is also a support for most used authentication APIs.
Authentication API will use the same `domain` config you specify in the config above. If you wish to use `Auth0Ex`
for authentication APIs only, all you need to specify is `domain` in config.

## Author

- [techgaun](