# AuthTestSupport

A collection of common authentication / authorization test support

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## Installation ##

Add to your `mix.exs` for the `:test` environment:

defp deps do
  [{:auth_test_support, "> 0.0.0", only: :test}]

[Please view the rest of the documentation on Hexdocs](

## Authors ##

* [Brian Cardarella](

[We are very thankful for the many contributors](

## Versioning ##

This library follows [Semantic Versioning](

## Looking for help with your Elixir project? ##

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## Want to help? ##

Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. Please see our
[Contribution Guidelines](
on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.

## Legal ##

[DockYard](, Inc. © 2015


[Licensed under the MIT license](