# 🚪 Authable
OAuth2 Provider implementation modules and helpers using `plug`, `ecto` and `postgres` for any `elixir` application.
## Installation
The package can be installed as:
1. Add authable to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
Only for ecto versions > 2.0
def deps do
[{:authable, "~> 0.9.1"}]
2. Add authable configurations to your `config/config.exs` file:
*Important:* You should update `Authable.Repo` with your own repo!
config :authable,
ecto_repos: [Authable.Repo],
repo: Authable.Repo,
expires_in: %{
access_token: 3600,
refresh_token: 24 * 3600,
authorization_code: 300,
session_token: 30 * 24 * 3600
grant_types: %{
authorization_code: Authable.GrantType.AuthorizationCode,
client_credentials: Authable.GrantType.ClientCredentials,
password: Authable.GrantType.Password,
refresh_token: Authable.GrantType.RefreshToken
auth_strategies: %{
headers: %{
"authorization" => [
{~r/Basic ([a-zA-Z\-_\+=]+)/, Authable.Authentication.Basic},
{~r/Bearer ([a-zA-Z\-_\+=]+)/, Authable.Authentication.Bearer},
"x-api-token" => [
{~r/([a-zA-Z\-_\+=]+)/, Authable.Authentication.Bearer}
query_params: %{
"access_token" => Authable.Authentication.Bearer
sessions: %{
"session_token" => Authable.Authentication.Session
scopes: ~w(read write session),
renderer: Authable.Renderer.RestApi
If you want to disable a grant type then delete from grant types config.
If you want to add a new grant type then add your own module with `authorize(params)` function and return a `Authable.Model.Token` struct.
3. Add database configurations for the `Authable.Repo` on env config files:
*Important:* You should update `Authable.Repo` with your own repo!
config :authable, Authable.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "",
password: "",
database: "",
hostname: "",
pool_size: 10
4. Run migrations for Authable.Repo (Note: all id fields are UUID type):
*Important:* You should update `Authable.Repo` with your own repo!
mix ecto.migrate -r Authable.Repo
5. You are ready to go!
## Usage
Please refer to hex docs for each module, function details and samples https://hexdocs.pm/authable.
### Authentication
Authable supports 3 main authentication types by default using `Plug.Conn`. You can add or remove authentication types using configuration. On successful authentication, resource owner automatically set on `conn.assigns[:current_user]` immutable.
1. **Sessions**. Reads session for configured `sessions` keys and passes to the matched authenticator to authenticate.
2. **Query Params**. Reads query params for configured `query_params` keys and passes to the matched authenticator to authenticate.
3. **Headers**. Reads headers for configured `headers` keys and passes to the matched authenticator to authenticate.
#### Examples
Configure your application OAuth2 scopes on configuration. Then add `import Authable.Plug.Authenticate` with scopes into your controller.
defmodule SomeModule.AppController do
use SomeModule.Web, :controller
plug Authable.Plug.Authenticate, [scopes: ~w(read write)]
def index(conn, _params) do
# access to current user on successful authentication
# ...
# current_user = conn.assigns[:current_user]
defmodule SomeModule.AppController do
use SomeModule.Web, :controller
plug Authable.Plug.Authenticate, [scopes: ~w(read write)] when action in [:create]
def index(conn, _params) do
# anybody can call this action
# ...
def create(conn, _params) do
# only logged in users can access this action
# ...
# current_user = conn.assigns[:current_user]
# if you need to allow a resource only unauthorized then
defmodule SomeModule.AppController do
use SomeModule.Web, :controller
plug Authable.Plug.UnauthorizedOnly when action in [:register]
def register(conn, _params) do
# only not logged in user can access this action
# ...
On failure of authentication, authable renders as a RestApi json format, if you need to change the format file you need to implement the behaviour of `Authable.Renderer` and then change the `renderer` configuration.
### OAuth2 Authorization
Currently, authable library supports by default `authorization code`, `client credentials`, `password`, and `refresh token` OAuth2 authorizations. You can add or remove grant types using configuration.
#### Examples
To authorize a client for resources, all you need to do is calling `OAuth2.authorize` method with necessary params, on successful authorization `Authable.Model.Token` struct will return, on failure `{:error, errors, http_status_code}`.
# For authorization_code grant type
"grant_type" => "authorization_code",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"client_secret" => "Wi7Y_Q5LU4iIwJArgqXq2Q",
"redirect_uri" => "http://localhost:4000/oauth2/callbacks",
"code" => "W_hb8JEDmeYChsNfOGCmbQ",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# For client_credentials grant type
"grant_type" => "client_credentials",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"client_secret" => "Wi7Y_Q5LU4iIwJArgqXq2Q",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# For password grant type
"grant_type" => "password",
"email" => "foo@example.com",
"password" => "12345678",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# For refresh_token grant type
"grant_type" => "refresh_token",
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"client_secret" => "Wi7Y_Q5LU4iIwJArgqXq2Q",
"refresh_token" => "XJaVz3lCFC9IfifBriA-dw",
"scope" => "read" # optional
# You can adjust token expiration durations from configuration.
### How a 'OAuth2 Resource Owner' can authorize clients?
Authorizing client may mean installing client or giving permission to a client to make OAuth2 Authorization requests and allowing resources with selected scopes. To authorize a client for a resource owner, you need to call `OAuth2.authorize_app` function.
#### Examples
Authable.OAuth2.authorize_app(user, %{
"client_id" => "52024ca6-cf1d-4a9d-bfb6-9bc5023ad56e",
"redirect_uri" => "http://localhost:4000/oauth2/callbacks",
"scope" => "read,write"
### Changing models
To change models, you have two options:
1. You may change the module name from configuration,
2. You may copy Authable.Model.XXX and update it on your app.
## Test
To run tests, jump into authable directory and run the command:
mix test
## Contributing
### Issues, Bugs, Documentation, Enhancements
1. Fork the project
2. Make your improvements and write your tests.
3. Make a pull request.
### To add new strategy:
Authable is an extensible module, you can create your strategy and share as hex package(Which can be listed on Wiki pages).
## Todo
- HMAC Auth will be added as a new external strategy
## References
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750
## License