# Authorize
Authorize is a rule based authorization module for your elixir app.
Authorize walks through rules your resource to determine if it grands authorization, or not. These rules are easily created using a DSL.
Any rule can return three states:
- `:ok`: means that this rule grands authorization
- `:undecided`: it will continue with the following rules to see if it will grand authorization
- `:unauthorized`: it will not grand authorization and will not look at the following rules
How this translate to code is as follows:
defmodule Item do
defstruct user_id: nil, private?: false, invisible?: false
defmodule User do
defstruct id: nil, name: nil, admin?: false
defmodule Item.Authorization do
use Authorize
rule [:read], "only admins can read invisible items", struct_or_changeset, actor do
if !actor.admin? and get_struct(struct_or_changeset).invisible?, do: :undecided, else: :ok
rule [:read], "members can only read their own private items", struct_or_changeset, actor do
item = get_struct(struct_or_changeset)
if !item.public? and item.user_id == actor.id do
rule [:read], "all members can read public items", struct_or_changeset, actor do
if get_struct(struct_or_changeset).public?, do: :ok
We can now use this authorization module in the following way, with ordered rules (executed from top to bottom):
iex> normal_user = %User{id: 1, name: "Ed", admin?: false}
...> admin = %User{id: 2, name: "Admin", admin?: true}
...> invisible_item = %Item{private?: true, invisible?: true, user_id: 2}
iex> Item.Authorization.authorize(invisible_item, normal_user, :read)
{:unauthorized, %Item{...}, "only admins can read invisible items"}
iex> Item.Authorization.authorize(invisible_item, admin, :read)
{:ok, %Item{...}}
iex> private_item = %{invisible_item | invisible?: false}
...> Item.Authorization.authorize(private_item, normal_user, :read)
{:unauthorized, %Item{...}, "members can only read their own private items"}
iex> Item.Authorization.authorize(private_item, admin, :read)
{:ok, %Item{...}}
You can define a rule with `rule [action], description, struct_or_changeset, actor`
With `rule` you are defining a rule.
The first argument is the action this rule applies to. I would recommend to use the well known CRUD (`create`, `read`, `update`, and `delete`) actions, but you can also use something else (Authorize does not care). If you leave the first argument out and start with the description, the rule will apply to all actions.
The second argument is a description, when this rule returns :unauthorized this will be passed as the reason.
`struct_or_changeset` and `actor` are the variables that you can use in the rule's body. The `struct_or_changeset` is the resource, and `actor` is the actor that tries to perform the action. This can be anything you like. To make it work well with ecto we provide two helper methods `is_changeset?/1` and `get_struct/1`. `is_changeset/1` will return true if `struct_or_changeset` is a changeset. `get_struct/1` returns the struct. If the item is a changeset, it will return `changeset.data`.
If there is no rule found that returns `:unauthorized` or `:ok`, the `authorize/3` function will return `{:unauthorized, _, "no authorization rule found"}`
More examples in `test/authorize_test`.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `authorize` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:authorize, "~> 0.1.0"}]
2. Ensure `authorize` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:authorize]]