# Authsense

> Sensible authentication helpers for Phoenix/Ecto

[![Status](]( "See test builds")

## Installation

Add authsense to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:authsense, "~> 0.3.0"}]

## Overview

Please consult the [Authsense documentation]( for full details.

Configure authsense:

config :authsense, Myapp.User,
   repo: Myapp.Repo

You can then call some helpers for authentication:

# For login actions
authenticate(changeset)  #=> {:ok, user} or {:error, changeset_with_errors}
authenticate({ "userid", "password" })  #=> %User{} | nil

# For login/logout actions
conn |> put_current_user(user)  # login
conn |> put_current_user(nil)   # logout

# For model changesets
|> generate_hashed_password()

# For controllers
import Authsense.Plug
plug :fetch_current_user
conn.assigns.current_user  #=> %User{} | nil

Please consult the [Authsense documentation]( detailed info.

## Thanks

**authsense** © 2016+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the [MIT] License.<br>
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors ([list][contributors]).

> []( &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;
> GitHub [@rstacruz]( &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;
> Twitter [@rstacruz](
