# Authzed Elixir Client
This repository houses the Elixir client library for Authzed.
[Authzed] is a database and service that stores, computes, and validates your application's permissions.
Developers create a schema that models their permissions requirements and use a client library, such as this one, to apply the schema to the database, insert data into the database, and query the data to efficiently check permissions in their applications.
Supported client API versions:
- [v1](https://docs.authzed.com/reference/api#authzedapiv1)
- [v1alpha1](https://docs.authzed.com/reference/api#authzedapiv1alpha1)
- [v0](https://docs.authzed.com/reference/api#authzedapiv0) - Deprecated
You can find more info on each API on the [Authzed API reference documentation].
Additionally, Protobuf API documentation can be found on the [Buf Registry Authzed API repository].
**NOTE**: Current Authzed SDK commit version on Buf available [here](https://buf.build/authzed/api/activity/commit/ae0019fd4971464faeac85b2e146bdb8)
[Authzed]: https://authzed.com
[Authzed API Reference documentation]: https://docs.authzed.com/reference/api
[Buf Registry Authzed API repository]: https://buf.build/authzed/api/docs/main
## Basic Usage
If you're using a local SpiceDB instance, you can start the instance with Docker and Docker Compose using the command:
make start-infra
### Installation
The package can be installed by adding `authzed` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:authzed, "~> 0.0.1"}
### Initializing a client
In order to successfully connect, you will have to provide a [Bearer Token] with your own API Token from the [Authzed dashboard] in place of `somerandomkeyhere` in the following example:
[Bearer Token]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6750#section-2.1
[Authzed Dashboard]: https://app.authzed.com
alias Authzed.Api.V1.{Client, GRPCUtil}
client = Client.new(
### Performing an API call
alias Authzed.Api.V1.{
# Is Emilia in the set of users that can read post #1?
post_one = ObjectReference.new(object_type: "post", object_id: "1")
emilia =
SubjectReference.new(object: ObjectReference.new(object_type: "user", object_id: "emilia"))
{:ok, response} =
resource: post_one,
permission: "view",
subject: emilia
assert response.permissionship == :PERMISSIONSHIP_HAS_PERMISSION
### Telemetry
Since version `0.0.6` telemetry events are published by the GRPC library.
See [docs](https://hexdocs.pm/grpc/GRPC.Telemetry.html) for details.
## Running Tests
Run the tests using the command:
make run-tests
- Note that this will create a SpiceDB instance with the option `serve-testing`. creating an in-memory spicedb server which serves completely isolated datastores per client-supplied auth token used.
## Generate Protobuf Definitions
We use Buf to generate the protobuf and GRPC definitions for Elixir. You can use the command
make generate
to regenerate the definitions and move them to their respective folders.
- Install protoc-gen-elixir using the instructions in the [Elixir Protobuf Repository](https://github.com/elixir-protobuf/protobuf#generate-elixir-code)
- If you're using asdf to manage elixir versions, run the command `asdf reshim elixir` to add the `protoc-gen-elixir` executable to the PATH.