# Avalanche
<!-- MDOC !-->
Avalanche is an Elixir [Snowflake]( Connector built on top of the Snowflake SQL API v2.
## Features
* Submit SQL statements for execution.
* Check the status of the execution of a statement.
* Cancel the execution of a statement.
* Manage your deployment (e.g. provision users and roles, create tables, etc.)
## Installation
def deps do
{:avalanche, "~> 0.1.0"}
<!-- MDOC !-->
## Acknowledgments
Avalanche is built on top of [Req]( & [Finch]( - thank you!
## Documentation
Documentation is automatically published to []( on release.
You may build the documentation locally with
MIX_ENV=docs mix docs
## Running tests
You can run unit tests with:
mix test
To set up and run the `integration` tests, you need to:
- `cp .env.test .env.test.local` and adjust the existing variables accordingly.
- obtain a private key and add it to the the `.env.test.local` file if you wish
to run tests that use the `priv_key` auth strategy
- obtain a `SNOWFLAKE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN` if you wish to run tests that use the
`token` auth strategy
You can run all tests and integration tests with:
SNOWFLAKE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_token mix test --include integration
## Contributing
Issues and PRs are welcome! See our organization []( for more information about best-practices and passing CI.