![Avatador](assets/logo.png) ![Avatador](logo.png)

# Avatador
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Super simple avatar generator in Elixir.

## Options
- `:format` SVG or PNG. PNG is only supported with identicons.
- `:background` The background color hex of the avatar, without the hash (#) e.g. `000000`.
- `:color` The text color hex of the avatar, without the hash (#) e.g. `FFFFFF`.
- `:name` The name/username/email of the entity you want the avatar's initials to represent.
- `:is_rounded` True or false, should avater be rounded? If `true` and no `rounded` value it assumes the width/height (fully rounded).
- `:rounded` The px value of rounding, leave blank or `0` for no rounding.
- `:width` The height of the avatar in pixels. If not provided assumes width=height or default value.
- `:height` The width of the avatar in pixels. If not provided assumes width=height or default value.
- `:font_size` The font size in pixels.
- `:font_family` The name of the font family.
- `:caps` Capitalization of the initials. 1 for uppercase, 2 for lowercase, 3 for leaving as provided.
- `:bold` True or false, should text be bold?

## Defaults

      format: "SVG"
      background: "#000000",
      color: "#FFFFFF",
      name: "",
      is_rounded: false,
      rounded: 0.0,
      width: 500.0,
      height: 500.0,
      font_size: 250.0,
      font_family: "Montserrat",
      caps: 1,
      bold: true,

## Supports
- Simple simple cache: `:name` is hashed so that the same `:name` will receive the same `:background` color.
- Alpha colors: Supported color formats include #rgb, #rgba, #rrggbbaa, and #rrggbbaa.
- Can create avatars and GitHub-like identicons.

## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `avatador` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.
If you want PNG support for the identicons, you will also need to add `:egd`.

def deps do
    {:avatador, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:egd, github: "erlang/egd", optional: true}, # Erlang Graphic Drawer, for PNG export of identicons

## Acknowledgements and Credits
- The identicons code is based on [identicon](
- Color helper code is based on [color_utils](

## Development
- Questions, tips, code fixes, overhauls, and other contributions are very much welcome! Please submit an [issue]( or a [pull request](
- Run tests with `mix test`
- Create docs with `mix docs`