# AvroEx
An [Avro](https://avro.apache.org/) encoding/decoding library written in pure Elixir.
## Documentation
The docs can be found on [hex.pm](https://hexdocs.pm/avro_ex/AvroEx.html)
## Installation
def deps do
[{:avro_ex, "~> 2.0"}]
## Usage
### Schema Decoding
Avro uses schemas to define the shape and contract for data. The schemas that your
application uses may be defined locally, or may come from a [Schema Registry](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/schema-registry/index.html).
In either case, the first step is to decode a schema defined as JSON or Elixir terms into a `t:AvroEx.Schema.t/0`
iex> AvroEx.decode_schema!(["int", "string"])
context: %AvroEx.Schema.Context{names: %{}},
schema: %AvroEx.Schema.Union{
possibilities: [
%AvroEx.Schema.Primitive{metadata: %{}, type: :int},
%AvroEx.Schema.Primitive{metadata: %{}, type: :string}
`AvroEx` will automatically detect Elixir terms or JSON, so you can decode JSON schemas directly
``` elixir
iex> AvroEx.decode_schema!("[\"int\",\"string\"]")
context: %AvroEx.Schema.Context{names: %{}},
schema: %AvroEx.Schema.Union{
possibilities: [
%AvroEx.Schema.Primitive{metadata: %{}, type: :int},
%AvroEx.Schema.Primitive{metadata: %{}, type: :string}
#### Strict Schema Decoding
When writing an Avro schema, it is helpful to get feedback on unrecognized fields. For this purpose,
it is recommended to use the `:strict` option to provide additional checks. Note that it is not
recommended to use this option in production when pulling externally defined schemas, as they may
have published a schema with looser validations.
``` elixir
iex> AvroEx.decode_schema!(%{"type" => "map", "values" => "int", "bogus" => "value"}, strict: true)
** (AvroEx.Schema.DecodeError) Unrecognized schema key `bogus` for AvroEx.Schema.Map in %{"bogus" => "value", "type" => "map", "values" => "int"}
(avro_ex 1.2.0) lib/avro_ex/schema/parser.ex:43: AvroEx.Schema.Parser.parse!/2
## Encoding
When publishing Avro data, it first must be encoded using the schema.
iex> schema = AvroEx.decode_schema!(%{
"type" => "record",
"name" => "MyRecord",
"fields" => [
%{"name" => "a", "type" => "int"},
%{"name" => "b", "type" => "string"},
iex> AvroEx.encode!(schema, %{a: 1, b: "two"})
<<2, 6, 116, 119, 111>
## Decoding
When receiving Avro data, decode it using the schema
``` elixir
iex> AvroEx.decode!(schema, <<2, 6, 116, 119, 111>>)
%{"a" => 1, "b" => "two"}
## Schema Encoding
`AvroEx` also supports encoding schemas back to JSON. This may be needed when registering schemas or
serializing them to disk.
``` elixir
iex> AvroEx.encode_schema(schema)
Additionally, schemas can be encoded to [Parsing Canonical Form](https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#Parsing+Canonical+Form+for+Schemas) using
the `:canonical` option.
``` elixir
iex> AvroEx.encode_schema(schema, canonical: true)
### Testing
For testing convenience, `AvroEx.encodable?/2` is exported to check if data can be
encoded against the given schema. Note that in production scenarios, it is not
recommended to use this function.
defmodule MyModule.Test do
use ExUnit.Case
setup do
data = ...
schema = ...
{:ok, %{data: data, schema: schema}}
describe "my_function/1" do
test "builds a structure that can be encoded with our avro schema", context do
result = MyModule.my_function(context.data)
assert AvroEx.encodable?(context.schema, result)