# AvroRPC

`AvroRPC` is an Elixir library for making RPC calls using the [Avro protocol specification]( Currently, `AvroRPC` wraps functionality from both the [eavro]( and [ex_avro]( libraries and provides a unified client implementation for managing connections and calling methods across multiple `AvroRPC` services.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding both `avro_rpc` and `eavro` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:avro_rpc, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:eavro, git: "", tag: "v0.0.3"}

You will also need to ensure that `avro_rpc` is started before your application:
def application do
    applications: [

## Configuration

`AvroRPC` currently only provides an implementation for consuming AvroRPC endpoints as a client. When your application starts, `AvroRPC` will attempt to connect to each service specified in your application's configuration.

You can configure `AvroRPC` in your `mix.exs` file, like so:

config :avro_rpc,
  services: [
      name: :service_1,
      hostname: "localhost",
      port: 9015,
      protocol: "./test/data/avro.json"
      name: :service_2,
      hostname: "localhost",
      port: 9000,
      protocol: "./test/data/customer_profile.json"

`AvroRPC` will open a connection for each item in the `services` list of your config.

Each individual element in the `services` list *must* be a `Map` containing the following fields:
- name (`atom`): The name of the service you're connecting to
- hostname (string): The hostname of the AvroRPC endpoint
- port (number): The port on which the AvroRPC endpoint receives TCP connections.
- protocol (string): The path to the Avro protocol definition file for the specific service.

## Usage

`AvroRPC` currently only exposes one public function: ``, which is used to call a method on a specific service, and pass in a list of arguments to that method.

For example, if you have a service named `:test_server`, with a `hello` method, you'd call it like so:

{:ok, response} =, :hello, ["world"])

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