# aws_ssm_provider
A configuration provider for Distillery which handles AWS SSM parameters.

## Usage
This package is intended to be used in conjunction with [Distillery Config Providers](
To generate the file the config provider will read, run a command similar to 
aws --region us-east-1 ssm get-parameters-by-path --path "/${SECRETS_PATH}/YOUR_PROJECT/" --recursive --with-decryption --query "Parameters[]" \
    > /app/_build/prod/rel/<your_project>/config.json
AWS recommends the path of the paramter keys follow a pattern similar to /environment/project/service/config_key

For example, a typical path you might set in SSM for your elixir project would be

### Nesting
This package supports setting application variables that are keyword lists. For example, the path /production/myApp/myWebApp/database/connection/port would result in a myWebApp application variable like this
    database: [
        connection: [
            port: yourValue
### Type Handling
All SSM keys are returned as strings. If you want to set your value as another type, please see the supported types below.

#### Integers
To set an integer in your application config, simply end your SSM path in /Integer. For example, if you wanted your port to be 4000 and not "4000" your SSM key would look like /staging/myApp/port/Integer

#### Regular Expressions
To set an regex in your application config, simply end your SSM path in /Regex. For example, if you wanted a fileName config to match "2019.csv" your SSM key would look like /staging/myApp/fileName/Regex. The value you enter in SSM would be (\\d{4}.csv). Notice the parantheses and the escape character for the back slash. 

#### Booleans
"true" and "false" are translated to their respective boolean values.

### System Vars
If you have a variable in your system environment that you want injected in an application configuration, simply end your path in /FromSystem, for example: /staging/myApp/database/host/FromSystem.  When using the system vars, the value of your SSM parameter will be the name of the environment variable. In this case, something like DB_HOST.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `aws_ssm_provider` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:aws_ssm_provider, "~> 0.1.1"}

The docs can be found at [](