# AxonInterp
The thin wrapper for Axon inference.
It is a Deep Learning inference framework that can be used in the same way as my *Interp.
[**ATTENSION**: AxonInterp v0.1.0 is experimental release!]
## Platform
I have confirmed it works in the following OS environment.
- WSL2/Ubuntu 20.04
## Installation
You can install it by adding `axon_interp` to the `mix.exs` dependency list as follows:
def deps do
{:axon_interp, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Basic Usage
You get the trained Axon model or Onnx model and save it in a directory that your application can read.
"your-app/priv" may be good choice.
$ cp your-trained-model.axon ./priv
Next, you will create a module that interfaces with the deep learning model. The module will need pre-processing and
post-processing in addition to inference processing, as in the example following. AxonInterp provides inference processing only.
You put `use AxonInterp` at the beginning of your module, specify the model's path as an optional argument and describe
model's inputs/outputs specification. In the inference, you will put data input to the model (`AxonInterp.set_input_tensor/3`),
inference execution (`AxonInterp.invoke/1`), and inference result retrieval (`AxonInterp.get_output_tensor/2`).
Currentrly inputs/outputs of the medel are binary data format, because of easy to share the module with other *Interp.
defmodule YourApp.YourModel do
use AxonInterp,
model: "priv/your-trained-model.axon",
inputs: [f32: {1, 3, 224, 224}],
outputs: [f32: {1, 1000}]
def predict(data) do
# preprocess
# to convert the data to be inferred to the input format of the model.
input_bin = convert-float32-binaries(data)
# inference
# typical I/O data for Onnx models is a serialized 32-bit float tensor.
output_bin = session()
|> AxonInterp.set_input_tensor(0, input_bin)
|> AxonInterp.invoke()
|> AxonInterp.get_output_tensor(0)
# postprocess
# add your post-processing here.
# you may need to reshape output_bin to tensor at first.
tensor = output_bin
|> Nx.from_binary(:f32)
|> Nx.reshape({1000})
* your-postprocessing *
## Demo
There is Object Detection: YOLOv4 example in the demo_yolov4 directory.
This demo artistically converts a photo of a frog 'flog.jpg' in the demo directory and saves it as 'candy.jpg'.
First, you download the trained DNN model "candy-9.onnx" from the following URL and place it in the demo directory.
- [candy-9.onnx: https://github.com/onnx/models/raw/main/vision/style_transfer/fast_neural_style/model/candy-9.onnx](https://github.com/onnx/models/raw/main/vision/style_transfer/fast_neural_style/model/candy-9.onnx)
You can run the demo by following these steps.
$ cd demo
$ mix deps.get
$ mix run -e "DemoCandy.run"
You get "candy.jpg" in current directory.
Let's enjoy ;-)
## License
AxonInterp is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.