# Backpex

Backpex is a simple admin dashboard that makes it easy to manage existing resources in your application.

See our comprehensive [docs]( for more information.

## Development

### Requirements

- [Docker](
- [Mutagen Compose](

### Recommended Extensions

- [Editorconfig](
- [JavaScript Standard Style](

### Setup

- Clone the repository.
- In `demo` directpry run `cp .env.example .env` and set values accordingly.
  - Generate `SECRET_KEY_BASE` via `mix phx.gen.secret`.
  - Generate `LIVE_VIEW_SIGNING_SALT` via `mix phx.gen.secret 32`.
- Run `mutagen-compose up` (`yarn watch` is triggered autoamtically).
- Run `mix dialyzer --plt` inside the `app` container to generate the initial PLT file.

Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.

## License

Backpex source code is licensed under the [MIT License](