# backwater #

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<h5><a name="Backwater_-_Intercluster_RPC_for_Erlang_and_Elixir">Backwater - Intercluster RPC for Erlang and Elixir</a></h5>

Backwater aims to make execution of calls to modules/functions on individual remote machines as
close to local calls as they can get, with little to no boilerplate code.

The remote calls are executed over HTTP(S) and don't depend on the Erlang distribution protocol
nor on both ends being clustered.

Backwater is built on top of [cowboy]( and

__Jump directly to some quick examples__ or to the [function reference](
* [Example 1]( Remote 'string' module with client code generation (Erlang)
* [Example 2]( A remote calculator using Kernel functions (Elixir)
* [Example 3]( Module exposure through custom attributes (Erlang)
* [Example 4]( Module exposure through custom callback (Elixir)

* Erlang/OTP 19 and up
* rebar3

For Erlang/OTP 18 support, check the 1.1.x support versions.

* Arbitrary modules can be wholly or partially exposed
* Module-specific wrappers for remote calls can be generated using a bundled rebar3 plugin (Erlang only)
* Functions to be exposed are, by default, specified using custom module attributes (Erlang) or a custom export function (Elixir)
* Arguments and return values are encoded using [external term format](; if [unsafe](, they're rejected by default
* Multiple instances of both client and server can be launched and managed independently
* Remote exceptions are returned as errors but can be locally rethrown if so desired
* (Purged) stacktraces of remote exceptions are returned by default
* All calls and responses are authenticated and signed using a modified version of [HTTP signatures](; nevertheless, it's __strongly__ recommended to use HTTPS, as this doesn't protect against replay attacks (besides the potential exposure of sensitive data)

* The server start/stop interface is very similar to cowboy's, and all cowboy settings, excluding routing, are available for tweaking
* The client interface is made up of start/stop calls for management and an apply/3-esque function; hackney settings can be arbitrarily tweaked or overridden
* The rebar3 code generation plugin is still not as polished as it could be but it works fairly well
* You can use a custom HTTP client by [encoding]( and [decoding]( requests directly

Default limits and behaviours:
* The default listen port for HTTP is 8080
* The default listen port for HTTPS is 8443
* The default client connect timeout is 8s
* The default client/server receive timeout is 5s
* The default compression threshold for encoded arguments and return values is 300 bytes
* The default maximum request and response body size is 8 MiB (whether compressed or uncompressed)
* Unsafe arguments and return values are not decoded by default
* Remote exceptions are locally returned as errors by default
* Remote exception stacktraces are locally returned by default

Security concerns:
* Replay attacks can't be prevented when using HTTP over untrusted networks
* Atom (non-)existence can be inferred by an authenticated attacker when the service is configured to reject unsafe terms (which happens by default)

To do:
* Polish the rebar3 plugin code and funcionality
* Support generation of client code under Elixir / Mix

Some more examples are under 'examples/'; for all possible configuration options, check the [function reference](


<a name="example1"></a>

### <a name="Example_1_-_Remote_'string'_module_with_client_code_generation_(Erlang)">Example 1 - Remote 'string' module with client code generation (Erlang)</a> ###

#### <a name="1.1._Configure_dependencies_and_code_generation">1.1. Configure dependencies and code generation</a> ####


% rebar.config
 [{client_ref, example1},
  {target, {stdlib, string, [{exports,all}]}}]}.

{deps, [{backwater, "2.0.2"}]}.
{plugins, [{backwater, "2.0.2"}]}.


#### <a name="1.2._Generate_the_client_code">1.2. Generate the client code</a> ####


$ rebar3 backwater generate
# "src/rpc/rpc_string.erl" will be created


#### <a name="1.3._Generate_unique_secret">1.3. Generate unique secret</a> ####


Secret = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32).


#### <a name="1.4._Start_server">1.4. Start server</a> ####


% Place this where appropriate e.g. on application start/2 callback
{ok, _Pid} =
        #{ secret => Secret,
           exposed_modules => [{string, [{exports,all}]] },
        [{port, 8080}],


#### <a name="1.5._Start_client">1.5. Start client</a> ####


% Place this where appropriate e.g. on application start/2 callback
ok = backwater_client:start(
        #{ endpoint => <<"">>,
           secret => Secret }).


#### <a name="1.6._Execute_remote_calls_using_the_generated_code">1.6. Execute remote calls using the generated code</a> ####


{ok, 5} = rpc_string:length("hello"),
{ok, {3.14, ""}} = rpc_string:to_float("3.14").



<a name="example2"></a>

### <a name="Example_2_-_A_remote_calculator_using_Kernel_functions_(Elixir)">Example 2 - A remote calculator using Kernel functions (Elixir)</a> ###

#### <a name="2.1._Configure_dependencies">2.1. Configure dependencies</a> ####


# mix.exs
# [...]
  defp deps do
    [{:backwater, "-> 2.0"}]
# [...]


#### <a name="2.2._Generate_unique_secret">2.2. Generate unique secret</a> ####


secret = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32)


#### <a name="2.3._Start_server">2.3. Start server</a> ####


{:ok, _pid} =
        %{ :secret => secret,
           :exposed_modules => [{Kernel, [{:exports, [:+, :-, :*, :/]}]}] },
        [{:port, 8080}],


#### <a name="2.4_Start_client">2.4 Start client</a> ####


:ok = :backwater_client.start(
        %{ :endpoint => "",
           :secret => secret })


#### <a name="2.5_Execute_remote_calls">2.5 Execute remote calls</a> ####


{:ok, 5}   =, Kernel, :+, [3, 2])
{:ok, 1}   =, Kernel, :-, [3, 2])
{:ok, 6}   =, Kernel, :*, [3, 2])
{:ok, 1.5} =, Kernel, :/, [3, 2])



<a name="example3"></a>

### <a name="Example_3_-_Module_exposure_through_custom_attributes_(Erlang)">Example 3 - Module exposure through custom attributes (Erlang)</a> ###

#### <a name="3.1._Configure_dependencies">3.1. Configure dependencies</a> ####


% rebar.config
{deps, [{backwater, "2.0.2"}]}.


#### <a name="3.2._Add_custom_attributes_to_module_within_your_application">3.2. Add custom attributes to module within your application</a> ####


% foobar.erl
-export([hello/0, increment/1]).

% The custom export attribute

hello() -> world.

increment(Number) -> Number + 3.


#### <a name="3.3._Generate_unique_secret">3.3. Generate unique secret</a> ####


Secret = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(32).


#### <a name="3.4._Start_server">3.4. Start server</a> ####


% Place this where appropriate e.g. on application start/2 callback
{ok, _Pid} =
        #{ secret => Secret,
           exposed_modules => [foobar] }, % function exposure is determined by attributes
        [{port, 8080}],


#### <a name="3.5._Start_client">3.5. Start client</a> ####


% Place this where appropriate e.g. on application start/2 callback
ok = backwater_client:start(
        #{ endpoint => <<"">>,
           secret => Secret }).


#### <a name="3.6._Execute_remote_calls">3.6. Execute remote calls</a> ####


{ok, world} = backwater_client:call(example3, foobar, hello, []),
{ok, 43} = backwater_client:call(example3, foobar, increment, [42]).



<a name="example4"></a>

### <a name="Example_4_-_Module_exposure_through_custom_callback_(Elixir)">Example 4 - Module exposure through custom callback (Elixir)</a> ###

#### <a name="4.1._Add_backwater_dependency_to_Mix">4.1. Add backwater dependency to Mix</a> ####


# [...]
  defp deps do
    [{:backwater, "-> 2.0"}]
# [...]


#### <a name="4.2._Add_custom_export_function_to_module_within_your_application">4.2. Add custom export function to module within your application</a> ####


# foobar.ex
defmodule Foobar do
  def backwater_export do

  def hello do

  def increment(number) do
    number + 1


#### <a name="4.3._Generate_unique_secret">4.3. Generate unique secret</a> ####


secret = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32)


#### <a name="4.4._Start_server">4.4. Start server</a> ####


{:ok, _pid} =
        %{ :secret => secret,
           :exposed_modules => [Foobar] }, # function exposure is determined by custom export function
        [{:port, 8080}],


#### <a name="4.5_Start_client">4.5 Start client</a> ####


:ok = :backwater_client.start(
        %{ :endpoint => "",
           :secret => secret })


#### <a name="4.6_Execute_remote_calls">4.6 Execute remote calls</a> ####


{:ok, :world} =, Foobar, :hello, [])
{:ok, 43} =, Foobar, :increment, [42])


## Modules ##

<table width="100%" border="0" summary="list of modules">
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_client</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_cowboy_handler</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_http_request</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_http_response</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_http_signatures</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_module_info</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_rebar3_generator</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_server</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">backwater_util</a></td></tr></table>