# Bamboo.ElasticEmailAdapter
[![Build Status][build_status_svg]][build status]
An [Elastic Email][] adapter for the [Bamboo][] email app for Elixir.
## Installation
1. Add `bamboo` and `bamboo_elastic_email` to your `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:bamboo, "~> 1.0"},
{:bamboo_elastic_email, "~> 1.0"}
# OR: {:bamboo_elastic_email, github: "KineticCafe/bamboo_elastic_email"}
2. Add your Elastic Email API key to your config:
# In your config/config.exs file
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.ElasticEmailAdapter
api_key: "my-api-key"
3. Follow the Bamboo [Getting Started Guide][getting_started].
4. To use [Elastic Email's API parameters][email_send] that are not automatically
handled by this plug-in natively, you can place a value in the `Email#private`
Email.put_private(email, :elastic_send_options, %{post_back: "your-post-back-value", pool_name: "your-pool-name"})
Supported parameters are:
* :attachments
* :channel
* :charset_body_html
* :charset_body_text
* :data_source
* :encoding_type
* :lists
* :merge
* :merge_source_filename
* :pool_name
* :post_back
* :segments
* :template
* :time_off_set_minutes
* :track_clicks
* :track_opens
### A note on Bamboo compatibility
The examples here use the recently release Bamboo 1.0 as an example, but
`bamboo_elastic_email` is compatible with Bamboo 0.8 or Bamboo 1.0.
## Community and Contributing
We welcome your contributions, as described in [Contributing.md][]. Like all
Kinetic Cafe [open source projects][], is under the Kinetic Cafe Open Source
[Code of Conduct][kccoc].
[build status svg]: https://travis-ci.org/KineticCafe/bamboo_elastic_email.svg?branch=master
[build status]: https://travis-ci.org/KineticCafe/bamboo_elastic_email
[Elastic Email]: https://elasticemail.com/
[Bamboo]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/bamboo
[Hex.pm]: https://hex.pm
[getting_started]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/bamboo#getting-started
[Contributing.md]: Contributing.md
[open source projects]: https://github.com/KineticCafe
[kccoc]: https://github.com/KineticCafe/code-of-conduct
[email_send]: https://api.elasticemail.com/public/help#Email_Send