# Bamboo.PostmarkAdapter
A [Postmark](https://postmarkapp.com/) Adapter for the [Bamboo](https://github.com/thoughtbot/bamboo) email library.
## Installation
The package can be installed as:
1. Add bamboo_postmark to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
# Get from hex
[{:bamboo_postmark, "~> 0.7"}]
# Or use the latest from master
[{:bamboo_postmark, github: "pablo-co/bamboo_postmark"}]
2. Add your Postmark API key to your config
> You can find this key as `Server API token` under the `Credentials` tab in each Postmark server.
# In your configuration file:
# * General configuration: config/config.exs
# * Recommended production only: config/prod.exs
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.PostmarkAdapter,
api_key: "my_api_key"
# Or if you want to use an ENV variable:
# api_key: {:system, "POSTMARK_API_KEY"}
3. Follow Bamboo [Getting Started Guide](https://github.com/thoughtbot/bamboo#getting-started)
## Using templates
The Postmark adapter provides a helper module for setting the template of an
### Example
defmodule MyApp.Mail do
import Bamboo.PostmarkHelper
def some_email do
|> template("id_of_template",
%{name: "John Doe", confirm_link: "http://www.link.com"})
#### Exception Warning
Postmark templates include a subject, HTML body and text body and thus these shouldn't be included in the email as they will raise an API exception.
|> template("id", %{value: "Some value"})
|> subject("Will raise exception")
|> html_body("<p>Will raise exception</p>")
|> text_body("Will raise exception")
## Tagging emails
The Postmark adapter provides a helper module for tagging emails.
### Example
defmodule MyApp.Mail do
import Bamboo.PostmarkHelper
def some_email do
|> tag("some-tag")
## Sending extra parameters
You can send other extra parameters to Postmark with the `put_param` helper.
> See Postmark's API for a complete list of parameters supported.
|> put_param("TrackLinks", "HtmlAndText")
|> put_param("TrackOpens", true)
|> put_param("Attachments", [
Name: "file.txt",
Content: "/some/file.txt" |> File.read!() |> Base.encode64(),
ContentType: "txt"
## Changing the underlying request configuration
You can specify the options that are passed to the underlying HTTP client
[hackney](https://github.com/benoitc/hackney) by using the `request_options` key
in the configuration.
### Example
config :my_app, MyApp.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.PostmarkAdapter,
api_key: "my_api_key",
request_options: [recv_timeout: 10_000]
## JSON support
Bamboo comes with JSON support out of the box, see [Bamboo JSON support](https://github.com/thoughtbot/bamboo#json-support).