# Band

> A collection of instruments

Band is a collection of instumentation helpers to aid in publishing metrics via

## Configuration

Band can be configured statically or at runtime in order to be flexible for many
different deployment strategies.

If you wish to use `Mix` config, you can add the following to your `config.exs`:

config :band,
  prefix: "my-app",
  host: "localhost",
  port: 8125

Then add the `Band` worker to your application's supervision tree:

children = [
  worker(Band, [[]])

Band also supports `child_spec/1`:

children = [
  {Band, []}

If you need to configure Band at runtime, you can simply pass in the options
directly into the child options:

band_config = [
  prefix: "my-app",
  host: System.get_env("BAND_HOST"),
  port: String.to_integer(System.get_env("BAND_PORT"))

children = [
  {Band, band_config}

Any options specified in the `Mix` config will be merged in as well.

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