defmodule Bandit do
@external_resource Path.join([__DIR__, "../"])
@moduledoc """
Bandit is an HTTP server for Plug and WebSock apps.
As an HTTP server, Bandit's primary goal is to act as 'glue' between client connections managed
by [Thousand Island]( and application code defined
via the [Plug]( and/or
[WebSock]( APIs. As such there really isn't a whole lot of
user-visible surface area to Bandit, and as a consequence the API documentation presented here
is somewhat sparse. This is by design! Bandit is intended to 'just work' in almost all cases;
the only thought users typically have to put into Bandit comes in the choice of which options (if
any) they would like to change when starting a Bandit server. The sparseness of the Bandit API
should not be taken as an indicator of the comprehensiveness or robustness of the project.
#{@external_resource |>!() |> String.split("<!-- MDOC -->") |> Enum.fetch!(1)}
@typedoc """
Possible top-level options to configure a Bandit server
* `plug`: The Plug to use to handle connections. Can be specified as `MyPlug` or `{MyPlug, plug_opts}`
* `scheme`: One of `:http` or `:https`. If `:https` is specified, you will also need to specify
valid `certfile` and `keyfile` values (or an equivalent value within
`thousand_island_options.transport_options`). Defaults to `:http`
* `port`: The TCP port to listen on. This option is offered as a convenience and actually sets
the option of the same name within `thousand_island_options`. If ia string value is passed, it
will be parsed as an integer. Defaults to 4000 if `scheme` is `:http`, and 4040 if `scheme` is
* `ip`: The interface(s) to listen on. This option is offered as a convenience and actually sets the
option of the same name within `thousand_island_options.transport_options`. Can be specified as:
* `{1, 2, 3, 4}` for IPv4 addresses
* `{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}` for IPv6 addresses
* `:loopback` for local loopback (ie: ``)
* `:any` for all interfaces (ie: ``)
* `{:local, "/path/to/socket"}` for a Unix domain socket. If this option is used, the `port`
option *must* be set to `0`
* `keyfile`: The path to a file containing the SSL key to use for this server. This option is
offered as a convenience and actually sets the option of the same name within
`thousand_island_options.transport_options`. If a relative path is used here, you will also
need to set the `otp_app` parameter and ensure that the named file is part of your application
* `certfile`: The path to a file containing the SSL certificate to use for this server. This option is
offered as a convenience and actually sets the option of the same name within
`thousand_island_options.transport_options`. If a relative path is used here, you will also
need to set the `otp_app` parameter and ensure that the named file is part of your application
* `otp_app`: Provided as a convenience when using relative paths for `keyfile` and `certfile`
* `cipher_suite`: Used to define a pre-selected set of ciphers, as described by
`Plug.SSL.configure/1`. Optional, can be either `:strong` or `:compatible`
* `display_plug`: The plug to use when describing the connection in logs. Useful for situations
such as Phoenix code reloading where you have a 'wrapper' plug but wish to refer to the
connection by the endpoint name
* `startup_log`: The log level at which Bandit should log startup info.
Defaults to `:info` log level, can be set to false to disable it
* `thousand_island_options`: A list of options to pass to Thousand Island. Bandit sets some
default values in this list based on your top-level configuration; these values will be
overridden by values appearing here. A complete list can be found at
* `http_1_options`: A list of options to configure Bandit's HTTP/1 stack. A complete list can
be found at `t:http_1_options/0`
* `http_2_options`: A list of options to configure Bandit's HTTP/2 stack. A complete list can
be found at `t:http_2_options/0`
* `websocket_options`: A list of options to configure Bandit's WebSocket stack. A complete list can
be found at `t:websocket_options/0`
@type options :: [
plug: module() | {module(), Plug.opts()},
scheme: :http | :https,
port: :inet.port_number(),
ip: :inet.socket_address(),
keyfile: binary(),
certfile: binary(),
otp_app: binary() | atom(),
cipher_suite: :strong | :compatible,
display_plug: module(),
startup_log: Logger.level() | false,
thousand_island_options: ThousandIsland.options(),
http_1_options: http_1_options(),
http_2_options: http_2_options(),
websocket_options: websocket_options()
@typedoc """
Options to configure the HTTP/1 stack in Bandit
* `enabled`: Whether or not to serve HTTP/1 requests. Defaults to true
* `max_request_line_length`: The maximum permitted length of the request line
(expressed as the number of bytes on the wire) in an HTTP/1.1 request. Defaults to 10_000 bytes
* `max_header_length`: The maximum permitted length of any single header (combined
key & value, expressed as the number of bytes on the wire) in an HTTP/1.1 request. Defaults to 10_000 bytes
* `max_header_count`: The maximum permitted number of headers in an HTTP/1.1 request.
Defaults to 50 headers
* `max_requests`: The maximum number of requests to serve in a single
HTTP/1.1 connection before closing the connection. Defaults to 0 (no limit)
* `compress`: Whether or not to attempt compression of responses via content-encoding
negotiation as described in
[RFC9110§8.4]( Defaults to true
* `deflate_options`: A keyword list of options to set on the deflate library. A complete list can
be found at `t:deflate_options/0`
@type http_1_options :: [
enabled: boolean(),
max_request_line_length: pos_integer(),
max_header_length: pos_integer(),
max_header_count: pos_integer(),
max_requests: pos_integer(),
compress: boolean(),
deflate_opions: deflate_options()
@typedoc """
Options to configure the HTTP/2 stack in Bandit
* `enabled`: Whether or not to serve HTTP/2 requests. Defaults to true
* `max_header_key_length`: The maximum permitted length of any single header key
(expressed as the number of decompressed bytes) in an HTTP/2 request. Defaults to 10_000 bytes
* `max_header_value_length`: The maximum permitted length of any single header value
(expressed as the number of decompressed bytes) in an HTTP/2 request. Defaults to 10_000 bytes
* `max_header_count`: The maximum permitted number of headers in an HTTP/2 request.
Defaults to 50 headers
* `max_requests`: The maximum number of requests to serve in a single
HTTP/2 connection before closing the connection. Defaults to 0 (no limit)
* `default_local_settings`: Options to override the default values for local HTTP/2
settings. Values provided here will override the defaults specified in RFC9113§6.5.2
* `compress`: Whether or not to attempt compression of responses via content-encoding
negotiation as described in
[RFC9110§8.4]( Defaults to true
* `deflate_options`: A keyword list of options to set on the deflate library. A complete list can
be found at `t:deflate_options/0`
@type http_2_options :: [
enabled: boolean(),
max_header_key_length: pos_integer(),
max_header_value_length: pos_integer(),
max_header_count: pos_integer(),
max_requests: pos_integer(),
default_local_settings: Bandit.HTTP2.Settings.t(),
compress: boolean(),
deflate_options: deflate_options()
@typedoc """
Options to configure the WebSocket stack in Bandit
* `enabled`: Whether or not to serve WebSocket upgrade requests. Defaults to true
* `max_frame_size`: The maximum size of a single WebSocket frame (expressed as
a number of bytes on the wire). Defaults to 0 (no limit)
* `validate_text_frames`: Whether or not to validate text frames as being UTF-8. Strictly
speaking this is required per RFC6455§5.6, however it can be an expensive operation and one
that may be safely skipped in some situations. Defaults to true
* `compress`: Whether or not to allow per-message deflate compression globally. Note that
upgrade requests still need to set the `compress: true` option in `connection_opts` on
a per-upgrade basis for compression to be negotiated (see 'WebSocket Support' section below
for details). Defaults to `true`
@type websocket_options :: [
enabled: boolean(),
max_frame_size: pos_integer(),
validate_text_frames: boolean(),
compress: boolean()
@typedoc """
Options to configure the deflate library used for HTTP compression
@type deflate_options :: [
level: :zlib.zlevel(),
window_bits: :zlib.zwindowbits(),
memory_level: :zlib.zmemlevel(),
strategy: :zlib.zstrategy()
@typep scheme :: :http | :https
require Logger
@doc false
@spec child_spec(options()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
def child_spec(arg) do
id: {__MODULE__, make_ref()},
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [arg]},
type: :supervisor,
restart: :permanent
@top_level_keys ~w(plug scheme port ip keyfile certfile otp_app cipher_suite display_plug startup_log thousand_island_options http_1_options http_2_options websocket_options)a
@http_1_keys ~w(enabled max_request_line_length max_header_length max_header_count max_requests compress deflate_options)a
@http_2_keys ~w(enabled max_header_key_length max_header_value_length max_header_count max_requests default_local_settings compress deflate_options)a
@websocket_keys ~w(enabled max_frame_size validate_text_frames compress)a
@thousand_island_keys ThousandIsland.ServerConfig.__struct__()
|> Map.from_struct()
|> Map.keys()
@doc """
Starts a Bandit server using the provided arguments. See `t:options/0` for specific options to
pass to this function.
@spec start_link(options()) :: Supervisor.on_start()
def start_link(arg) do
arg = validate_options(arg, @top_level_keys, "top level")
thousand_island_options =
Keyword.get(arg, :thousand_island_options, [])
|> validate_options(@thousand_island_keys, :thousand_island_options)
http_1_options =
Keyword.get(arg, :http_1_options, [])
|> validate_options(@http_1_keys, :http_1_options)
http_2_options =
Keyword.get(arg, :http_2_options, [])
|> validate_options(@http_2_keys, :http_2_options)
websocket_options =
Keyword.get(arg, :websocket_options, [])
|> validate_options(@websocket_keys, :websocket_options)
{plug_mod, _} = plug = plug(arg)
display_plug = Keyword.get(arg, :display_plug, plug_mod)
startup_log = Keyword.get(arg, :startup_log, :info)
{http_1_enabled, http_1_options} = Keyword.pop(http_1_options, :enabled, true)
{http_2_enabled, http_2_options} = Keyword.pop(http_2_options, :enabled, true)
{websocket_enabled, websocket_options} = Keyword.pop(websocket_options, :enabled, true)
handler_options = %{
plug: plug,
handler_module: Bandit.InitialHandler,
opts: %{http_1: http_1_options, http_2: http_2_options, websocket: websocket_options},
http_1_enabled: http_1_enabled,
http_2_enabled: http_2_enabled,
websocket_enabled: websocket_enabled
scheme = Keyword.get(arg, :scheme, :http)
{transport_module, transport_options, default_port} =
case scheme do
:http ->
transport_options =
Keyword.take(arg, [:ip])
|> then(&(Keyword.get(thousand_island_options, :transport_options, []) ++ &1))
{ThousandIsland.Transports.TCP, transport_options, 4000}
:https ->
transport_options =
Keyword.take(arg, [:ip, :keyfile, :certfile, :otp_app, :cipher_suite])
|> Keyword.merge(alpn_preferred_protocols: ["h2", "http/1.1"])
|> then(&(Keyword.get(thousand_island_options, :transport_options, []) ++ &1))
|> Plug.SSL.configure()
|> case do
{:ok, options} -> options
{:error, message} -> raise "Plug.SSL.configure/1 encountered error: #{message}"
|> Keyword.delete(:otp_app)
{ThousandIsland.Transports.SSL, transport_options, 4040}
port = Keyword.get(arg, :port, default_port) |> parse_as_number()
|> Keyword.put_new(:port, port)
|> Keyword.put_new(:transport_module, transport_module)
|> Keyword.put(:transport_options, transport_options)
|> Keyword.put_new(:handler_module, Bandit.DelegatingHandler)
|> Keyword.put_new(:handler_options, handler_options)
|> ThousandIsland.start_link()
|> case do
{:ok, pid} ->
startup_log && Logger.log(startup_log, info(scheme, display_plug, pid))
{:ok, pid}
{:error, {:shutdown, {:failed_to_start_child, :listener, :eaddrinuse}}} = error ->
Logger.error([info(scheme, display_plug, nil), " failed, port already in use"])
{:error, _} = error ->
@spec validate_options(Keyword.t(), [atom(), ...], String.t() | atom()) ::
Keyword.t() | no_return()
defp validate_options(options, valid_values, name) do
case Keyword.split(options, valid_values) do
{options, []} ->
{_, illegal_options} ->
raise "Unsupported keys(s) in #{name} config: #{inspect(Keyword.keys(illegal_options))}"
@spec plug(options()) :: {module(), Plug.opts()}
defp plug(arg) do
|> Keyword.get(:plug)
|> case do
nil -> raise "A value is required for :plug"
{plug, plug_options} -> {plug, plug.init(plug_options)}
plug -> {plug, plug.init([])}
@spec parse_as_number(binary() | integer()) :: integer()
defp parse_as_number(value) when is_binary(value), do: String.to_integer(value)
defp parse_as_number(value) when is_integer(value), do: value
@spec info(scheme(), module(), nil | pid()) :: String.t()
defp info(scheme, plug, pid) do
server_vsn = Application.spec(:bandit)[:vsn]
"Running #{inspect(plug)} with Bandit #{server_vsn} at #{bound_address(scheme, pid)}"
@spec bound_address(scheme(), nil | pid()) :: String.t() | scheme()
defp bound_address(scheme, nil), do: scheme
defp bound_address(scheme, pid) do
{:ok, {address, port}} = ThousandIsland.listener_info(pid)
case address do
:local -> "#{_unix_path = port} (#{scheme}+unix)"
:undefined -> "#{inspect(port)} (#{scheme}+undefined)"
:unspec -> "unspec (#{scheme})"
address -> "#{:inet.ntoa(address)}:#{port} (#{scheme})"