> An Elixir client library for the Bandwidth Application Platform
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## Install
Add as a dependency:
defp deps() do
[{:bandwidth, "~> 1.0.0"}]
Fetch and compile:
mix do deps.get, deps.compile
Or install as archive:
git clone https://github.com/wtcross/elixir-bandwidth.git
cd elixir-bandwidth
mix install
## Usage
use Bandwidth
# Create a client
client = Client.new("user-id", "api-token", "api-secret")
# Find a message
case Messages.find(client, "m-slkdfjskldjfklsjfdlk") do
{:ok, {200, message, headers}} -> IO.inspect message
{:ok, {404, _, _}} -> IO.puts "not found :("
{:error, reason} -> IO.inspect reason
# Send a message
message = %{from: "+12223334444", to: "+13334445555", text: "hello bandwidth"}
case Messages.create(client, message) do
{:ok, {201, _, headers}} -> IO.puts "message sent!"
{:error, reason} -> IO.inspect reason
# Search for a local number
case AvailableNumbers.Local.search(client, zip: 22303) do
{:ok, {200, numbers, headers}} -> IO.inspect numbers
{:error, reason} -> IO.inspect reason