# BarcodeGenerator

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`BarcodeGenerator` generates a list of barcodes from a given start and end barcode.

This library allows you to generate GTIN barcodes by passing it the first and last barcode of a

## Examples

### Validating

`BarcodeGenerator` allows simple check-digit validation for GTIN barcodes, both in binary and
numeric format:

# true

# true

# false

# false

### Generating

`BarcodeGenerator` can generate barcodes in three different ways:

#### Plain list

`BarcodeGenerator.generate/2` generates barcodes in a simple list format.

BarcodeGenerator.generate(6_291_041_500_200, 6_291_041_500_299)

#### Stream

`BarcodeGenerator.generate_stream/2` returns a `Stream` that can be enumerated. Barcodes are
generated as the stream is consumed, reducing memory footprint.

stream = BarcodeGenerator.generate_stream(6_291_041_500_200, 6_291_041_500_299)
barcodes = Enum.to_list(stream)

#### Flow (optional dependency)

`BarcodeGenerator.generate_flow/3` returns a `Flow`, but requires that
[`flow`]( is present as dependency. Generating barcodes using Flow is
heavily optimized to use all available resources to generate as quickly as possible.

`BarcodeGenerator.generate_flow/3` accepts an optional third argument, `opts`, which is passed to
`Flow.from_enumerable/2`, and defaults to `max_demand: 1000`.

# Assuming `{:flow, "~> 1.0"}` is in mix.exs
flow = BarcodeGenerator.generate_flow(6_291_041_500_200, 6_291_041_500_299)
barcodes = Enum.to_list(flow)

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## Installation

Add `barcode_generator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:barcode_generator, "~> 1.0.0"}]

## License

This library is MIT licensed. See the
file in this repository for details.