# BardecoderEx

[![ Version](](

Simple binding to allow using [bardecoder]( from Elixir. Uses Rustler for bindings.

## Requirements
Working Rust toolchain.

## Installation

Add `bardecoder_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:bardecoder_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Examples

Detect and decode QR codes from a file supported by the Rust [image]( crate.

    ok: {%{
        __struct__: Bardecoder.Metadata,
        bounds: [{474, 674}, {569, 674}, {569, 770}, {474, 770}],
        ecc_level: 1,
        modules: 41,
        version: 6
      "The QR Code Content!"}


Documentation can be found at [](