# barista

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*Barista serves up hot lmugs of LFE for your simple LFE-native HTTP needs.*

#### Contents

* [Introduction](#introduction-)
* [Installation](#installation-)
* [Usage](#usage-)
* [Creating Custom Modules](#creating-custom-modules-)
* [License](#license-)

## Introduction [↟](#contents)

Barista is a stand-alone, simple HTTP server. Or more accurately, barista
is LFE code that wraps the Erlang/OTP ``httpd`` HTTP server. It is intended
for development/demo purposes and non-critical services.

## Installation [↟](#contents)

Just add it to your ``rebar.config`` deps:

    {deps, [
        {barista, "0.3.0"}

And then do the usual:

    rebar3 compile

## Usage [↟](#contents)

To try out the default no-op/pass-through handler, you can do this (after `rebar3 compile`):

rebar3 lfe repl

lfe> (set `#(ok ,svr) (barista:start))

This will start an HTTP server with the default barista options. You can use `curl` to try it out:

``` bash
curl "http://localhost:5099/"


``` bash
curl -XPOST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     -d "c=3&d=42" \

You can override the default options like so:

``` cl
lfe> (set `#(ok ,svr) (barista:start '(#(port 9099))))

Additionally, you can provide a config file that may be used to provide options for starting up
barista (which is really the inets httpd service):

``` cl
lfe> (set `#(ok ,svr) (barista:start '(#(config-file "configs/sys.config"))))

That expects the inets httpd configuration to be in a nested proplist under the following:

``` erlang
  [{httpd, ... }]}]}].

If your configuration is in a different part of the configuration, you just need to supply a list
of the keys that point to it, e.g.:

``` cl
lfe> (set `#(ok ,svr) (barista:start '(#(config-file "configs/sys.config")
                                       #(config-keys (my-app httpd)))))

Finally, to stop barista:

``` cl
lfe> (barista:stop svr)

## Creating Custom Modules [↟](#contents)

The Erlang inets httpd server supports the creation of modules (see [the documentation]( for the various `mod_*` httpd modules). The example module `barista-passthrough` implements the httpd module contract: a single `do/1` function is all that is needed. The argument it takes is the inets httpd request record `mod` found in `inets/include/httpd.hrl`.

In addition to this, the `barista-passthrough` defines a `handle/3` function very much in line with the sort of thing that [Elli]( developers do when creating routes for their web applications.

## License [↟](#contents)

Copyright © 2014-2021, Duncan McGreggor

Apache License, Version 2.0

[//]: ---Named-Links---

[project-logo]: priv/images/barista.png
[project-logo-large]: priv/images/barista.png
[lfe badge]:
[erlang badge]:
[github tags]:
[github tags badge]:
[hex package]:
[hex downloads]: